dov1953 wrote:
I think it is possible for the Supremes to essentially back up a local law or court decision and say that the people of the US have a RIGHT to adequate housing, etc. They have a record that indicates this may be possible. Consider their decisions about racial integration in the south. One of them, I believe the black Supreme Court Justice, said something like "90 years is enough" for the issue of deliberate speed in guaranteeing civil rights of blacks in the south especially their voting rights. I use this example as an illustration of the fluidity and organic growth of the Constitution occasionally against the current will of the people.
No, sorry, the United States Supreme Court can't just back up local laws.
The Supreme Court has very limited jurisdiction. They just don't (and can't) get involved in every single thing out there. The states are left with things like traffic laws, local criminal laws (e. g. there are different penalties for murder in Texas and Oregon, which is how it should be), etc.
The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction in matters of federal law.
What's federal law?
Among other things:
* interstate commerce
* civil rights
* treaties with other nations
* federal agencies, like the IRS and OSHA
* matters mentioned in the Constitution
The Supreme Court also has what's called appellate diversity jurisdiction. This occurs when a matter has happened which can be reasonably connected to more than one state AND the amount in controversy exceeds a certain figure (I think it's now $100,000; it was $20,000 at one time).
This is stuff like:
* a car accident in Massachusetts occurs between a Mass. and Connecticut driver, and someone is killed
* a contract for the sale of land is breached between persons residing in two different states (note that the Uniform Commercial Code does not apply because it is a sale of land)
In any event, it's very rare that the Supreme Court starts out with jurisdiction. In actuality, the appellate part is what's most important - the examples above start out in US District Court. If appealed, they go to the US Circuit Court. If appealed again, they go to the US Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court can also tackle instances wherein states are in conflict. But again this is a matter of federal jurisdiction. Just because 2 states have differing speed limits doesn't mean the Supreme Court has or wants jurisdiction. Rather, the states conflicts thing is used when states argue about federal matters, like interstate trucking requirements.
The Supreme Court can also refuse to hear a case, even if there is jurisdiction. This is called refusing certiorari.
The reason why the US Supreme Court ruled on voting rights isn't because of adding rights where there weren't any. Rather, it was because voting rights are Constitutionally-based and therefore there is federal jurisdiction.
And the "90 years is enough" quote - I couldn't find it, but I suspect it's in reference to Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (US Supreme Court, 1954), given that the dates would work out (the Voting Rights acts came 10 years afterwards). The "black Supreme Court justice" you're referring to is apparently Thurgood Marshall, who was the first black Supreme Court justice, but not the only one (the other is Clarence Thomas, who is currently on the court). See: for info on the Brown case, which Marshall argued as an attorney for Brown; he wasn't appointed to the court until later.