xingu wrote:Reallife wrote:Why are you afraid of using the Bible as evidence?
Back to your question again; there is no evidence for what the Bible says. All we're asking of you is to supply some evidence to back up the Bible.
For example, what evidence do you have to suport the Bible's position that the sun, moon and stars were created after plants and trees?
hi xingu,
Let's look at your proposition: that the Bible is man-made.
If you were going to write an authoritative religious work, would you prohibit behaviors that you might want to engage in?
Lots of no-no's listed in the Bible that go cross-wise to man's natural tendency to want to do them.
These range from sexual prohibitions, to what can and can't be eaten, to what one may or may not do on certain days (Sabbaths, feasts, etc), prohibitions from engaging in lucrative business (usury) , commandments NOT to utilize the full harvest of one's field, etc.
If you were going to write an authoritative religious work that established you as 'God's representative' (i.e. a priest or prophet, etc) , would you tie yourself down to requirements to perform hundreds of petty regulations concerning washings, specific types of garments, foods you can or cannot eat, time consuming butchering and offering of animals?
In other words , wouldn't you make it easy and fun for you?
If you were going to write an authoritative religious work that established you as 'God's representative' , would you consistently portray God's representatives as backsliding, slimy characters of low morality, two faced, weak willed, unbelieving, etc ?
Wouldn't you whitewash the priesthood and portray all the virtues and none of the vices?
In short, your idea that the Bible is man-made just doesn't seem very likely , xingu.