neologist wrote:The bible makes distinctions between the true God and many false gods. I don't see why you object to my pointing this out. The bible also refers to a god, or ruler of this world. This would be the entity who was able to offer the entire world to Jesus at Matthew 4:9.
I'm not asking for you to get in line as believers here, simply to acknowledge that the bible makes note of same.
Genesis 2:8 (in the King James Version):
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:
Who was god talking to?
Genesis 2:22:
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Who are "us?" Are you going to try to feed some bullshit about who "God" was talking about, or are you going to be honest enough to admit that there is no textual authority for assuming who "us" might be? In fact, this is a blatant example of polytheism, but you won't admit that. Nowhere in Genesis Chapter two is a single reference to a "false god." You just make the **** up as you go along, because you cling desperately to your belief set, and would rather abandon honesty and common sense than to abandon your superstitious fairy tale of choice.
Now, this is another piece of dishonesty on your part:
neologist wrote:My statement about Satan being the god of this world was not meant to advance the theme of this thread; it was an off topic reply to posts by you and Set . . .
You're trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility for this series of exchanges. In fact, this entire sequence stems from one your preachy moments when you wanted to drop us some pearls of your wisdom about what the purpose of the bobble is:
Setanta wrote:neologist wrote:Setanta wrote:neologist wrote:The bible was not written to dazzle us with the intricacies of quantum physics. It was written to explain to us why we have war and crime and sickness and death, and what God intends to do about it.
In so many cases, mankind suffers from war and crime and sickness and death because your boy god had inflicted them on mankind for no apparent reason, in a capricious and arbitrary manner.
Not the God I worship, but a god nevertheless.
. . . and didn't respond well to having the scurrilous character of your cartoon character god thrown up in your face.
Additionally, you did not at any time state that "Satan is the god of this world" until just now, when you're squirming to escape the implications of what you had already said, which had a definitely polytheistic implication.
As for whether or not any of this is "on topic," it hardly mattes when, after more than 230 pages, not a scrap of credible "proof" for creationism has been advanced. This thread might as well be a playground, given that it isn't being used by any of the bible thumpers for the purpose intended.