thank you for your reply.
You say, "....highest rated system..." Can you please verify this statement? and rated for what? Certainly not softening. Rated by an internal, biased survey from their marketing team?
I don't understand what you mean by "smallest system". How are these sized? How many cubic feet of carbon does your contain?
And, "....works great." what is it that it does?
Their whole advertising is based on false claims about not using salt, and the hype about leaving minerals like calcium in the water. Why would I want calcium and other 'healthful' minerals in my toilet, shower, washer, dishwasher, water heater, etc.? where thay can be very damaging, in fact.
It is nothing more than a glorified backwashing carbon filter in a completely unnecessary stainless covered tank, sold on-line. It uses a generic valve (Fleck 5600) and doesn't mention if it is timer or demand model. Very little specific information is given on the "how does it work" page. So, I was wondering how you did your research when the maker provides next to nothing.
If you don't respond, I can understand.
It sounds like you are a dealer.