Mon 17 Sep, 2007 05:00 am
As some of you know, Mr. P and I have been wandering around the west. We are now staying a few days in Moab, Utah. It is a glorious place, and near to many of the national parks.
Well, yesterday we went to Arches National Park, cameras at the ready. At the end of the day, we realized that between us, we had taken a couple of hundred pictures of the most!
I dunno. There was a time when film cameras were the norm, and, unless one was a pro, or had oodles of spare cash for film, were prudent in the clicking of the camera shutter. With digital cameras, all sense flies out the window. If it is there, one shoots it.
When you are out and about, do you choose your pictures carefully, or just simply snap away?
Would anyone like to see a few hundred pictures of rocks?
Your going to think I'm crazy. I collect rocks. I live in Michigan. Rock heaven. Just a couple highlights. Petosky, Michigan is known for their rocks. (Petosky stone) In the upper pennisula, theres a place called pictured rocks. (Tons of rock arcs, and tunnels) There's copper harbor, with copper colored rocks,.and so on....I use to breed african cichlid fish. The many types of slate rock, and volcanic rock used in tank displays are cool.
Re: Rocks, Rocks, Rocks
Phoenix32890 wrote:.....When you are out and about, do you choose your pictures carefully, or just simply snap away?
Hi Phoenix32890

I didn't realize you were still on the road. In answer to your question I just snap away and then look over the pictures later and delete a lot of them.
ooooooohhhh, I'm so jealous!
Moab, UT is my next destination!
I just do not know when.... Soon, within a year, I'm hoping.
So yes, here's a vote to see lots of rock photos.
And yes, I love digital because you can take as many as you want.
I compose with care, but often.
Re: Rocks, Rocks, Rocks
Phoenix32890 wrote:As some of you know, Mr. P and I have been wandering around the west. We are now staying a few days in Moab, Utah. It is a glorious place, and near to many of the national parks.
Well, yesterday we went to Arches National Park, cameras at the ready. At the end of the day, we realized that between us, we had taken a couple of hundred pictures of the most!
I dunno. There was a time when film cameras were the norm, and, unless one was a pro, or had oodles of spare cash for film, were prudent in the clicking of the camera shutter. With digital cameras, all sense flies out the window. If it is there, one shoots it.
When you are out and about, do you choose your pictures carefully, or just simply snap away?
Would anyone like to see a few hundred pictures of rocks?'re a temporary Moabite?
She isnt still traveling..
this thread was from September...
I just realized that Phoenix post was from September

. I always travel with these handy dandy USGS geology clips of every state and NAtional park . Then, if youre a rockhound, you can look at the specific ages of the seds and look and see if there are any fossils worth photoing. (Collecting in most NAt PArks Cept the BADLANDS, is usually a no no. Even Universities have enormous amounts of redtape for field trips )
I'd still love to see the photos....
It hasn't been the first time I did that and I am sure it won't be the last