The tired excuse of cooking the books can't happen anymore,
because everything is electronically recorded.
OK, lemme get this straight, Vik:
If a politically motivated, collectivist-authoritarian, anti-self defense
police propagandist programs a police computer
with false data
( e.g., counting multiple felonies against multiple victims
at the same time and place, as
ONE crime )
then the computer will print out the correct information,
regardless of what he put into it ??
Certainly back a couple of decades when there were paper systems of recording, that was a possibility, but unless that police officer was also a computer genious with the right access, I doubt it's recent (besides, if one officer in England cooked the books, 10 in the US probably did the same - population ratio)
So u allege that corrupt police in America
have been committing fraud here too, to make gun control look better ?
You've made the claim many times, and I'd be interested in seeing the link to it, or a book reference, or a newspaper reference.
I shud have recorded his name.
I was stupid in failing to do so; it was a convivial, social situation.
Quote:As for the article, it's cleverly worded, but unless you see the side by side stats it can be quite misleading (which I would say is the intention of the article - to mislead). For example, the part where the author complains of gun crime doubling - perhaps it did (it didn't reference any stats), but
does it still come anywhere near America's gun crime? (my guess is that it doesn't)
I have the impression that it exceeds American crime,
but as of now, I cannot quote definitive statistics,
because I have been too damned lazy to read the books on that subject
that I have purchased.
Besides, stats that I've previously linked (and you've never challenged)
show the overall correlation between increased gun numbers
and increased gun crime.
My failure to challenge your stats resulted from my contemptible lack of energy,
NOT from assent to their veracity, nor to their accuracy.
I am not an expert on English statistics,
but I know that when crime becomes SAFER for criminal predators,
in that their victims who choose to be law abiding citizens
have been successfully intimidated by government
away from empowering themselves for self defense,
crime is SAFER for the said criminal predators-- like an on-the-job fringe benefit.
In America, the anti-self defense crowd has been found to be so
intensely motivated to succeed, that thay assembled statistics like
asserting that a very high quoted number of
people who have guns at home
have been violently killed, and counting deaths at sea from drowning,
automobile accidents, death from getting hit by lightning on the golf course,
and medical malpractice in hospitals, etc. as among people who have guns at home getting killed.
Anti-gun freedom people quoted a very high statistic
people who are killed by gunfire have it happen
almost entirely ( I don 't remember the alleged number )
from acquaintances, and then secretly include
passengers of cab drivers who have robbed and killed the drivers,
defining the passengers as " acquaintences " for purposes of the statistic,
and doing the same as to robbers and murderers of local merchants
whose criminal customers hung around the store for a few minutes
( seen on tape ) before beginning the predatory attack.
I offer this as evidence of the fidelity to truth
of American anti-self defense statisticians.