Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:30 am
In the year 2000 Alaska had an estimated population of 626,932 which ranked the state as having the 48th in population. For that year the State of Alaska had a total Crime Index of 4,249.4 reported incidents per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 22nd highest total Crime Index. For Violent Crime Alaska had a reported incident rate of 566.9 per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 10th highest occurrence for Violent Crime among the states.

In the year 2000 Vermont had an estimated population of 608,827 which ranked the state as having the 49th in population. For that year the State of Vermont had a total Crime Index of 2,986.9 reported incidents per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 44th highest total Crime Index. For Violent Crime Vermont had a reported incident rate of 113.5 per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 48th highest occurrence for Violent Crime among the states.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:36 am
gun freedom = unfreedom in civil life.

When I have to worry about people being armed around me, I live in fear. That's not freedom.
Part of my contract with the state (part of my citizenship) is my protection I hire the state to protect me internally (policing) as well as externally (army). As far as I'm concerned my money is better spent on implementing and monitoring gun control, and punishing the breach of such laws than by arming myself up to my teeth and fending for myself. That's anarchy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:37 am
vikorr wrote:

The tired excuse of cooking the books can't happen anymore,
because everything is electronically recorded.

OK, lemme get this straight, Vik:

If a politically motivated, collectivist-authoritarian, anti-self defense
police propagandist programs a police computer
with false data
( e.g., counting multiple felonies against multiple victims
at the same time and place, as ONE crime )
then the computer will print out the correct information,
regardless of what he put into it ??


Certainly back a couple of decades when there were paper systems of recording, that was a possibility, but unless that police officer was also a computer genious with the right access, I doubt it's recent (besides, if one officer in England cooked the books, 10 in the US probably did the same - population ratio)

So u allege that corrupt police in America
have been committing fraud here too, to make gun control look better ?


You've made the claim many times, and I'd be interested in seeing the link to it, or a book reference, or a newspaper reference.

I shud have recorded his name.
I was stupid in failing to do so; it was a convivial, social situation.

As for the article, it's cleverly worded, but unless you see the side by side stats it can be quite misleading (which I would say is the intention of the article - to mislead). For example, the part where the author complains of gun crime doubling - perhaps it did (it didn't reference any stats), but

does it still come anywhere near America's gun crime? (my guess is that it doesn't)

I have the impression that it exceeds American crime,
but as of now, I cannot quote definitive statistics,
because I have been too damned lazy to read the books on that subject
that I have purchased.


Besides, stats that I've previously linked (and you've never challenged)
show the overall correlation between increased gun numbers
and increased gun crime.

My failure to challenge your stats resulted from my contemptible lack of energy,
NOT from assent to their veracity, nor to their accuracy.

I am not an expert on English statistics,
but I know that when crime becomes SAFER for criminal predators,
in that their victims who choose to be law abiding citizens
have been successfully intimidated by government
away from empowering themselves for self defense,
crime is SAFER for the said criminal predators-- like an on-the-job fringe benefit.

In America, the anti-self defense crowd has been found to be so
intensely motivated to succeed, that thay assembled statistics like
asserting that a very high quoted number of people who have guns at home
have been violently killed, and counting deaths at sea from drowning,
automobile accidents, death from getting hit by lightning on the golf course,
and medical malpractice in hospitals, etc. as among people who have guns at home getting killed.

Anti-gun freedom people quoted a very high statistic
that people who are killed by gunfire have it happen
almost entirely
( I don 't remember the alleged number )
from acquaintances, and then secretly include
passengers of cab drivers who have robbed and killed the drivers,
defining the passengers as " acquaintences " for purposes of the statistic,
and doing the same as to robbers and murderers of local merchants
whose criminal customers hung around the store for a few minutes
( seen on tape ) before beginning the predatory attack.
I offer this as evidence of the fidelity to truth
of American anti-self defense statisticians.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:49 am
david wrote:
In America, the anti-self defense crowd has been found to be so
intensely motivated to succeed, that thay assembled statistics like
asserting that a very high quoted number of people who have guns at home
have been violently killed, and counting deaths at sea from drowning,
automobile accidents, death from getting hit by lightning on the golf course,
and medical malpractice in hospitals, etc. as among people who have guns at home getting killed.

counting drowning, lightning and car accidents? where do you have this idea from? I've never encountered such a thing and i dealt a lot with public administration and crime stats. the number i remember was 66% (and that was public administration college textbook) - and that is the percentage of when gun was used against its owner in case of armed robbery at domestic residences. no accidents, drownings or other silly things. that was a number of years ago, i haven't followed it since. But nobody could ever justify using accidental deaths in these kinds of statistics, and as i said, i have not seen it done once in my lifetime. i cannot take this claim seriously, until i see it in some study. If you have it, please post it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 11:24 am
dagmaraka wrote:

gun freedom = unfreedom in civil life.

When I have to worry about people being armed around me,
I live in fear. That's not freedom.

1 ) U r free to select your own emotion.
U can choose fear, if u wish; u don 't " HAVE TO " fear.
That wud not be MY choice.
I have been surrounded by armed people for many years
of my life ( not including the present ).
No harm ever came of it.
Injuries from automobiles are many, many times more likely.

2 ) Freedom is the absence of interference from government.

Part of my contract with the state (part of my citizenship)
is my protection I hire the state to protect me internally (policing)

This is false; only an illusion.
If government fails to protect u and u r robbed
and injured u have little chance of successfully winning a trial
for breach of contract against government.
People have tried this.
When thay have won at trial, judgment was reversed on appeal,
even when the police told citizens to rely on their arrival.

As a practical matter, u MUST rely upon yourself,
altho there is A CHANCE that government might protect u.
Remember the lessons of Reginald Denny in L.A.
who we all saw being the victim of getting stomped
on national TV, for about an hour, with no police assistance,
and remember Kitty Genovese
who screamed in the streets of NY, receiving no assistance for around an hour,
as she was being repeatedly stabbed to death, during that time.


as well as externally (army). As far as I'm concerned my money is better spent on
implementing and monitoring gun control,
and punishing the breach of such laws than by arming myself
up to my teeth and fending for myself. That's anarchy.

OK, Dag.
Lemme know when we have convinced
the robbers and the murderers to OBEY gun control laws. OK ??

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 11:42 am
McTag wrote:
happycat wrote:
McTag wrote:
Can you think of a situation where there was one gun present, which would have been improved by there being a second gun present?

Please in answering, discount the instances where a deranged person is determined to slaughter allcomers, because these events are exceedingly rare in Britain.

Britain's gun laws are intended to prevent guns getting into the wrong hands. And to some extent, they do. As proof of that, compare the gun-crime statistics per capita in both countries.

I agree with you....
but wonder why those kind of events are exceedingly rare in Britain.
Don't you have your share of crazies? I know you do.
What do your crazy people do instead??

There is evidence to suggest that the presence of an arsenal of weapons
in a house leads unhinged people to brood about using it.
(Waco, Columbine)

To what evdence do u refer ?

Waco was a defensive use of weaponry.
In Columbine,
the tragedy inhered in the fact that no one SHOT BACK
at the murderers. The penalty for obeying gun control laws
is DEATH, with no appeal.


No arsenal, no bodies.
Seems straightforward to me.

Before guns, no one got murdererd, according to u.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 11:55 am
David, stating that "this is false" does not make it so. it's your opinion, you are entitled to it, but i wholeheartedly and fully disagree with you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 11:59 am
McTag wrote:

The robbers gun is to get your wallet.
Not to commit a murder.

Criminals in prison for murders committed during
the course of robberies or burglaries
have said that thay murdererd for the FUN OF IT,
after the cash had been surrendered.

U leftists have too high an opinion of your beloved criminals.
Many of them are sadists.
Thay 'd have some fun with u, if thay had the chance.


Penalty for robbery a year in prison, say.

Let 's say several decades in prison,
just BANISHMENT, like the old Botany Bay
or like Devil 's Island, far, far away,
with violation of the banishment prohibited on pain of death.
I believe THAT 'd keep them away.


But you say you are willing to kill to avoid looking like a bitch?


Killing a violent, predatory criminal is a very valuable public service,
whose reward shud be a heavy pure gold medal,
or maybe a full credit for next year 's taxes,
in that the victim not only heroicly saved himself,
but all his fellow citizens who 'd have fallen
to the predator; the said victim also saved
everyone a lot of cash in housing n feeding the predator.

As U English say:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 12:07 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
David, stating that "this is false"
does not make it so.

I did not allege that my pronouncements
made anything true or not.

If someone says that 3 + 4 = 12,
I can say that it is false,
tho it 'd have been false regardless of whether I said anything, or not.
My opinion is that 3 + 4 does not = 12.
My opinion does not control the truth or falsity of a proposition.

it's your opinion, you are entitled to it,
but i wholeheartedly and fully disagree with you.

Your point being: WHAT ?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 12:13 pm
OGIONIK wrote:

I CAN think of a situatio where a second gun would help.

when a man walks up to me and initiates an armed robbery,
and instead of handing him my wallet i grip my gun pull it out quickly and shoot him.
if he shoots me first oh well at least i didnt go out like a bitch.

SOME Americans believe that it is better to die on your feet,
than to live on your knees.

Apparently, our English brethren choose not to share our vu.

In earlier times, thay DID.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 12:24 pm
dadpad wrote:

Here in OZ,
Strong licencing control on gun ownership for those who do own/need guns
(Farmers, sporting shooters) weeds out the crazies.
Mandatory club membership for sporting shooters means other members
quickly weed out the loonies or those on the edge.

A ban on automatic/high calibre weapons (you dont need a sub machinegun to shoot deer).

Submachineguns make very fine
anti-burglary weapons.
I favor the H & K MP5 KA4, in particular,
hopefully with hollowpointed slugs.

Illegal guns are problem but over a period of time
this too is being brought under control.

Your problem is not " illegal guns " but rather
authoritarian-collectivist laws.
I hope that THAY will be brought under control,
in favor of your personal freedom to defend your lives
from any form of violent depredation.


No guns No bodies

That 's Y no one got killed before guns were invented.

0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 12:29 pm
this debate is fatuous. There are two extremes, a society without guns, or a society where everyone is armed. Now ask yourself which is the better ideal? Obvious. So in which direction should be the general thrust of the law?

Its simply stupid to think that if you pour 200m guns into a society of 300m people the rate of gun crime and gun related incidents/accidents will drop.

Its the logic of the kindergarten. If all the bad people were shot dead there would be no bad people and no crime,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 02:52 pm
My failure to challenge your stats resulted from my contemptible lack of energy,
NOT from assent to their veracity, nor to their accuracy.

Considering the incredible energy you put into advocating gun freedom (seen in the very numerous posts), I find it rather dubious that your failure to challenge the stats result from contemptible lack of energy.

I asked you to do so three times in your other gun thread, and implicitly once here...And you still haven't challenged them.

I should think that would be because they are impossible to challenge. Face facts David, international stats show a correlation between increased guns (in a country) equaling increased deaths.

It's too bad you didn't keep the references to your alleged book cooking. It makes your argument rather weak when you say "I heard this, and I heard that - therefore I am right...err, but I can't tell you where I heard this and that."

Personally, stats are the only thing worth debating, otherwise it comes down to purely emotional arguments with no reasoning. (Well, I have no problem with emotional arguments - everyone is entitled to their emotions, but don't expect me to change my mind because of someone elses emotions)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 02:59 pm
Its simply stupid to think that if you pour 200m guns into a society of 300m people the rate of gun crime and gun related incidents/accidents will drop.

The number is actually around 290m guns in a population of 300m (I can find the link for you if you like)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:07 pm
For those that are curious about the stats I was refering to. Here's two pages where I posted them - bottom of each page (saves me posting them all over again)


0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:17 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
David, stating that "this is false"
does not make it so. it's your opinion, you are entitled to it,
but i wholeheartedly and fully disagree with you.

I misunderstood your reference, Dag.
Looking above, I now understand what u meant.

This is NOT only my opinion.
The courts have repeatedly ruled
that the police have NO DUTY to defend any citizen.
So far as I am aware,
this is true as to all states, nationwide
from sea to shing sea.
I have never heard of any exception
wherein a state was held liable for failure to protect any citizen.

Possibly, it might have happened,
but I 've never heard of it, and I deem it unlikely.

When the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were enacted,
during the 17OOs, there were NO POLICE anywhere in the USA,
nor had police existed in Colonial America, nor in England.

The concept of a police force first BEGAN during the 18OOs
(both in America and in England).

Accordingly, during the 17OOs, if one were attacked by a violent criminal,
a predatory animal, or madman, it was as imperative as it was paradigmatic
that he have the means to handle the situation himself,
and this was the world that the Founding Fathers knew
when they drew the social and political contract that is the US Constitution.

THEREFORE, it cud not possibly have been
that government had a contract to protect u, inasmuch as it had NO means to do so.
The closest to your concept that was approached
was that if someone DID HARM U,
then government wud try to avenge u, if possible.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:22 pm
I always hope that when people from other countries find and read threads like this, they understand that it is not a common thought process.
Majority of america are not like this . We are not gun hungry people.
It is just that the few people who ARE like this, tend to speak louder then the rest of us.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:25 pm
vikorr wrote:
Its simply stupid to think that if you pour 200m guns into a society of 300m people the rate of gun crime and gun related incidents/accidents will drop.

The number is actually around 290m guns in a population of 300m (I can find the link for you if you like)

For the most part,
criminals have tended to be cowardly,
and opportunistic predators; not always.

In other words,
like the lions who prefer to attack the slow, wounded and infirm prey,
and to avoid as much personal risk as possible,
so also, for the most part,
criminals prefer to attack soft targets:
better an Amish pacifist than a defense minded NRA member.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:32 pm
shewolfnm wrote:

I always hope that when people from other countries find and read
threads like this, they understand that it is not a common thought process.

Majority of america are not like this . We are not gun hungry people.
It is just that the few people who ARE like this, tend to speak louder then the rest of us.

Baloney !

According to Vikorr,
we have 290,000,000 guns in a population of 300,000,000.

I wonder if he counted MY gun collection.
I continue to add to it.
I have taken pride in my gun collection since I was 8 years old.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 03:50 pm
By the way, if anyone ever cares to visit Nationmaster.com, it's stats comparing the top 25 countries in lots of categories.

This is the one on gun violence


There's links on the left of the page to gun murders and other gun related stats

You can search the site for politics, economy, social issues and lots of other stuff. It also has a choice between total numbers and per capita numbers.
0 Replies

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