Warning, warning, warning....
I only say this because I know your house was built about the same time mine was, soz....
Watch your closets!!!
They ripped off the old roof over our bedroom today and my underwear/pajama drawer (yes, it's a built in dresser) is completely full of roof debris. So is my closet.
If you're having the under-wood-whatever-it's-called ripped out I recommend you empty your closets/protect your stuff/keep a close eye on things unless you want several extra loads of laundry and mega-bucks in dry cleaning.
It is 8:00 PM here and they have finally quit pounding on the roof.
Mr. B fed the puppy something that kept him (and me) up all night last night. Mo was home sick from school today. Bang, bang, bang on the roof all day.
I'm going to bed.
Right. Now.
I hope you're roof is easier!
If it isn't, remember that we love you.
Oh man boomer! Everything's descending at once.
I'm wondering how disruptive the banging will be. I can't imagine that I won't hear it, though I might not. That'd be lovely if so. Right now I plan to do a whole lotta errands.
Good point about closets! Yeah, sozlet's closet has just plain roof on top of it, I could see that if they have to remove the (dammitwhat'sitcalled?fishin,help!). Hopefully they won't have to. Everyone seemed to think that it's time to get new shingles, fer sure, but that part of the reason to get them is to prevent problems with the... underlayer. As in, hopefully we're catching it before the problems have started.
Since your roof is NOT going easily, remember that WE love YOU!
My sympathies.
When I left last week the Well Pounder next door was pounding away for the seventh day. I came home yesterday and the Well Pounder is still pounding.
Judging the potential depth of that well by the actual depth of our well
(and adding twenty feet for a rise in the ground) they are perhaps 2/3 finished.
Thump, thump, thump like the Mills of Mordor.
sozobe wrote:(dammitwhat'sitcalled?fishin,help!)
lol I think the word you are looking for is "sheathing".
In older houses they used 1' think planks - usually 8"'-10" wide. In the 1960s plywood sheathing became the standard and it is still used today although Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is used more and more (it's cheaper and a more efficent used of wood).
Roofers and a skylight in the bathroom is an interesting combination...
Good news is that I haven't heard anything in particular yet. It's still very possible that when they start putting on the new shingles I'll hear some banging, but at this point -- tear-off -- I can forget they're here. (Except when I wander into the bathroom and there's a guy looming over the skylight...)
Other good news is that so far the plywood
sheathing looks to be in good shape.
Wishing you good roofing weather from now until the job is done. Sharing living space with workmen is annoying.
These guys have been absolutely amazing. The roof is done, for all practical purposes. They did it in two days flat. (Friday, Saturday.)
I wasn't bothered at all. If I was upstairs, I could hear stuff, but not downstairs.
Sozlet and E.G. were more annoyed and since sozlet didn't have school on Friday, that was the main challenge -- doing enough stuff outside of the house.
They're coming back today to finish clean-up -- they were already pretty thorough (my driveway is spotless, for example), but they want to fine-tune a bit more (there are still bits and pieces hung up in the smaller trees, and misc minor things).
Then later there will be metal guys coming to put in some new vents. Plus some painting, though I don't fully get where/ why.
The sheathing was in pretty good shape. One section over a dormer had to be removed, and one section over the porch (we knew that section was a mess, the roof was saggy there). The first was small (3' by 5' maybe), the other was larger (8' by 10', maybe). That's it.
The color of the shingles looks really good.
There's some dirt and dust in the (screened) porch, but otherwise no problems (nothing happened with the closets for example). Not sure if they'll clean up the porch, but if not it's pretty trivial. Will need to sweep, mostly.
Friday was cloudy and blustery but it didn't rain (despite the forecast -- the roofers know their weather). Yesterday was gorgeous.
Overall I'm incredibly pleased and a little shocked at how well the whole thing has gone. (Knock on wood, since it's not absolutely finished yet.) We have yet to hand over the check, though -- that's gonna be painful...
Really yay! I'm so glad everything went so smoothly!
The handing over the check thing is really heart-breaking. You just have to repeat "worth it, worth it, worth it" until you feel better.
I know it IS worth it, too...
We're kind of working our way downwards -- altitude-wise -- with the big projects. Started with getting the giant trees trimmed last year. Now the roof. Next we can move on to getting the driveway resurfaced/resealed (it's a mess) and getting the deck powerwashed (same). (We didn't want to have the roof done only to have an enormous branch fall on it and destroy everything, so trees first; we didn't want to have the driveway and deck done only to have the roofers mess everything up, so roof first; etc.)
Plus, I've been holding off on doing fall gardening 'cause I knew it'd get trampled by roofers -- they cleaned up really thoroughly (came back today and finished up!) so I have a clean canvas and I can't wait to dig in.
We might be a few hundred dollars away from looking actually respectable-like...
So you knew this was coming, right? Too good to be true and all...
The vent/ flashing/ metal guys showed up yesterday, did their thing. (I was less impressed with them than the original roofing crew, but I don't know who's to blame for the following.) Shortly after they left, the rain started. Yay! Got the new roof before the serious rains! Don't have to get out the buckets! Whoo-hoo!
Not so fast.
The house seems fine. Sozlet's dormer, for example, is not leaking. BUT, the porch is leaking copiously.
This is a NEW leak, mind you.
Not happy, but I guess better the porch than anywhere in the house.
Someone from the roofer company is coming out to take a look. They seem properly concerned.
Quite possibly the roofers dislodged the shingles somehow clambering around.
Cross your fingers: They might consider it their responsibility.
We have a 5-year warranty on their work so it should be their responsibility regardless...
The shingles seem fine (I have a good view of the problematic area from above, via my bedroom window), but I suspect the flashing guys. The leaks are in two strips, that seem to roughly correspond to the sheathing joints -- I'm suspecting a leak at the flashing that is then seeping under the shingles.
Oh man I would so be having a connipition fit!
As it is we're having the guys back out to fix a few things on our roof.
We got the roof done. We got the french drain done. Tomorrow they're coming to haul away the old furnace and install a new one.
Oh the joy of owning an elderly home.