You know what's innate your consistant bantering about how right you are! Why do you persist?
Red if i was any MORE right, i'd have 2b a Nazi!
No you would have to be a man!
now THAT was below the belt!
(can't compete above it)
....Sitting on a phone,hahahahah hooo hee
Bogowogus is wrong because IT used a devil smiley to help his nonsense be wimsical (close enough, to lazy to check)
Now, again in the mad party house voice...
Urination Urination Urination
Anyways, back to the post! Where would you say language came from or mathematics is that not innate?
excellent question;
the fact that 2 & 2 = 4 is 'axiomatic' always true, always was true, mostlikely always will b true (except in a few years there may be no1 around 2 remember it).
we do however learn mathematics and language, very quickly as children, somewhat slower as adults.
our understanding of quantities; a few, or a lot, may be somewhat 'inate' but calculating the tragectory of a spacecraft may require just a bit more than instinct!
as 4 language, it depends on u're definition; while animals grunt instinctively to announce hunger or fear, etc., William Gibson's novels require a little more 'attention' to 'get it'.
2 me it's simply u r born with certain hard wiring, that has developed over centuries, and while most animals make good use of these aids in their natural habitat, our problem is overcoming many of the ingrained responses and desires from the distant past (in a jungle far, far away, so 2 speak).
and Red, i know i sometimes sound rather arrogant in my comments;
what i say is obviously JUST my opinion, but i refuse 2 say 'i think' in every post i make. we all know there is a certain amount of bullshit in my head, but i try to keep most of it from showing! :wink:
Oops, thought I was in Relationships and Marriages again
Mathematics is the science of Relationships, but this seems to be acquired knowledge gained through the bitter experience of curvature analysis and ultimate inequality.
Marriage however seems to be instinct on the one hand or a trap on the other. Usually resulting not from innate knowledge, but carnal, which is a different philosophical proposition entirely.
The color of poop is beyond me.
Relationships and marriage and innate knowledge have nothing to do with it. Those are two seperate topics on the same thread, I suggest you read the posts more carefully!