LOL! No idea.
I am blessedly free from all such stuff, so 'tis very funny to me!
Mind you - I was not driving, so I was pleasantly pished at the time....
I see there is an Iraqui leadership name generator at the second site....
here is my name: Dhiyab Rashid al-Majid Sultan Abd al-Ghafur
Craven.... builds and builds and builds places for others of us to inhabit, but can be damned annoying and occasionally shows his teeth.
Craven is a beaver.
EhBeth is a pomeranian
Setenta is more of a beagle.
- sorry about the avatar similarities, but why do you think they picked 'em?
LittleK ... a doggy person, but not a dog. Not a horse. Smart enough and handsome enough for a horse, but not so stuck-up... Yeah. Dolphin
boomerang is a robin
Guatam is a peacock.
Soz is whatever animal Marlin Perkins is talking about when he said 'The mother ---- protects her young. So does Mutual of Omaha'
BiPolar is a howler monkee (sic. very sic)
Slappy Doo Hoo is a chipmunk. (Alvin, I think)
and dlowan.
What the hell is dlowan?
Posts messages all the time, never sleeps, makes us all sing and dance at her command for her amusement, and sort of give us this thing to cluster around.
dlowan is the Queen Bee.
I thought Craven had animosity towards beaver
Heh heh, just being bad now...
Not so very bad..... and, I am a quiet, retiring, little, mousling.
And I not only sleep, but work, and go out.
Just think and type fast.....
SealPoet wrote:Guatam is a peacock.
How can I be a peacock ? I have lovely legs !!
And in the middle earth....
According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth - Deceitful Kin-slayer
Elven Name Possibilities
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:
Hobbit lad name Dodinas Sandyman from Woody End
Dwarven Name Lorin Cleverwater
Orkish Name Razhdúsh the Atrocious
Jeez, looks like I was not a very nice person in middle earth !
My mormon name is Mauntana St. Benjamin
And my Iraqui leadership name is Abd al-Ghafur Ahmad Muhsin
And great animals, Seal - except for me, of course!
I'm sure that you do have lovely legs, but think of it.
Imported to England from the sub-continent, outrageaously gaudy plumage (for the male anyway), exotic, high-maintenence.
And a cry like a woman shrieking!
(not sure about that last bit, actually...)
So, what animal are you anyway?
SealPoet wrote:
And a cry like a woman shrieking!
This statement is factually incorrect
I don't shriek, just one cold look is enuff to bring anyone down to their knees
SealPoet forgot to throw in "great tail"....feel better G.?
<laughs really really hard>
U r a * mate !!
Hey! I just found out tha a group of foxes is called a "skulk"!
Who the heck made up these group names? They are hilarious!
I know Cav made a thread about them once - like an unkindness of ravens, a murder of crows, an exultation of larks!!!!!
Reeling and writhing and fainting in coils....
CavFancier gets three peer approval points for that...
Hey hey, I dug it up...
Question: In a skulk of foxes, who plays the ugly chick? That's like the designated driver, I think....