Cavalier could be a centaur. The French word chevalier is a horseman, cheval being the word for horse. After all what is a centaur but a horse/man. By the way there were female centaurs in Walt Disney's Fantasia (the section where they had a mythological setting for Beethoven's sixth symphony (Pastoral). I will be true to my avatar and be a hawk.
ah, Bob, and then there is cavalier behavior..disdainful. Hmmmm. Hals laughing Cavalier. Perhaps Cav should be a hyena
I may have to be a mythical being made up of different animals, like a griffon, but not.
The sphinx you are not, mr. cav.
In fact, I think Gustav Ratz-man is the sphinx. Seldom speaks, and when he does, it's brilliant and toward the more obtuse end of the icepick. As I have spoken, so shall it be.
The soz is a mother bear, no doubt about it. (And I won't diminish that by describing for you all the bit of dreadful solo performance the gf and I saw together before we were together in San Francisco during which we were both awaken by a shriek-moan of "BEAR DOWN.") Yay, a mother bear.
And dlowan? Why, that's easy. The dodo bird. Senseless, unique, and otherworldly, with a big-eyed head tipped on its side at a large proferred nut and the squawk of something unspeakably funny or serious, only you can't quite tell what. And probably vulnerable to sailors.
Cav is just a simple mutt puppy. A-yup. Given to tug-of war with old socks.
Further bulletins as events warrant.
(Man, there's so much time when you're unemployed. I done fergot about that, it's been so long.)
I think I like mother bear.
Dodo is spot-on.
It's a high compliment, soz. Though I s'pose is does make you a little scary.
Hmmm, didn't see cav as the hyena. I think that may be more appropriate.
Watched a thing on a wildlife refuge that had a solitary male hyena. The British woman who ran the place describes a failed attempt to procure him a mate. It failed because, as she drily observed, "he killed her and ate her head."
Okay, so maybe that bit isn't so cav-like. He'd at least have made an elaborate presentation of the head, and not let the sweetmeats go to waste.
And would have said something droll and punny while presenting it.
I don't think I'd want to be the one to tell Deb she's a dodo - an extinct animal (birthday coming up in 2 days - beware 7 August!)
I'm happy to be a koala - I get to be grumpy and pee on politicians - and don't have to do much else but sleep!
And eat eucalyptus leaves. Lots and lots of eucalyptus leaves. They smell lovely, to be sure, but I seem to remember something about very complicated koala insides to deal with that unending stream of eucalyptus leaves. Munch, munch, munch.
"The koala tea of Mersey" and whatnot.
(Ain't nothing wrong with dodos, except the name, and that they didn't know enough to be frightened of people when they came around. A much maligned bird, talked about as though their extinction was their own fault.)
True enough patiodog....a fine haggis would have been made. I would never make pretense to be a Sphinx, the riddles are old hat.
"Given to tug-of war with old socks." Hmm...just what are you saying about my hygiene? Being a simple mutt-puppy is okay by me, as simplicity is where I find the greatest wisdom.
Okeefine, then you're a paramecium.
Only they are exceedingly complex, actually.
You are a virus.
The dodo's only fault was trusting humans too much.
beware the Ides of August....
dodo = do do all that you do do so well