i believe they want poor people to be forced to commit crimes to stay monetarily competitive, so that the rich will fear a threat from guns, which they would then lobby for complete banning of guns from ALL citizens.
which would lead to complete helplessness from any authority currently in power.
Which would then make it easy to force people into wage slavery, thereby giving the latest and greatest empire the slaves it needs, becauses let face it, every empire has had slaves,and we still have slaves to this day. but now we realise it is "evil" to enslave someone, so we have to work around things like "human decency". besides, if its legal, and they are getting paid, it cant be real salvery can it?
The other day i was talking to my cousin, he used to be in prison.
he said they made him to work in fields all day. As soon as he said it i was like "why would you work if your imprisoned? i would just sit in my cell all day and say "**** you".
When i asked that i instantly realised what i said. They got the guns and batons, and that means your gonna work your ass off. or else.