vikorr wrote:A couple of small nitpicks :
Quote:I 'd be kind of nervous if I were docile or helpless.
Docile means : quiet and easy to influence, persuade or control
Now obviously mushypancakes isn't quiet, and as you haven't managed to convince him/her of the righteousness of your beliefs, it seems he/she is not easily influenced either.
Docile in the same sense as a naked Jew peacefully waiting in line, UNARMED,
to have the gold pulled out of his teeth, and then to walk on into the oven.
Helpless also applies to that example.
Government is peacefully in control, without opposition.
( as distinct from the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, who were ARMED )
Do u see any distinctions in principle between those two examples ?
As Aristotle put it:
The commonwealth is theirs who hold the arms:
the sword and sovereignty ever walk hand in hand together. "
Quote:Whether one is helpless or not is entirely dependent on circumstance.
I am sure u r right.