Tue 31 Jul, 2007 03:41 am
Has anyone has the pleasure of seeing this Production?
Has anyone had the sometimes/sometimes not pleasure of reading this book?
I've read the book and the production (musical) is coming here to Orlando in April and I'd really like to tidbits from people OTHER than the critics...
If you've seen the musical and read the book (which I have done, and waiting for the musical) let's discuss what you thought of both and your preference for one or the other...and if you thought the production took you there.
in case there is anyone here NOW who knows what the heck i'm talking about.
I have not read the book, but have wanted to. I didn't know there was a theatrical production...... (out of the loop)
bought the audio book and it's sequel from audible, but haven't listened to them yet
may start this week
I read the book several years ago and was completely fascinated by the whole concept. I thought it brillantly devised and very, very clever.
listened to the book this week and loved it
can't for the life of me see how it becomes a musical, i'd love to see a serious movie adaptation, by somebody like tim burton
i loved the political intrigue, and the religious strife
the character development was excellent, the juxtaposition of good and evil, and which was really which
some of the plot twists were a little thin, elphaba's real father, if the sequence was real and not some hallucination, was perhaps a little too contrived and convenient
am going to start on the sequel, son of a witch, soon, probably mid next week, have recorded lectures on fantasy literature and the crusades to get through first
Guess our girl doesn't care anymore.
yes huh.
i left my judge read the book, he enjoyed it as well...
oh, side note: we saved an attorney from his daughter reading it. she's 12. I thought it a big advanced for her re: scenarios
I was very surprised at the book, because it wasn't what I was expecting at all. I do like the incorporation of religious.....strife IS a good the book and I think it's worth mentioning that she dies still not sure of her end/soul/religion whatever.
i'm reading "confessions of an ugly stepsister" now...also by maguire.
I've seen the musical but never read the book. I never actually heard the music until I saw the performance except for "Popular" which I did hear while waiting for a movie to start at the cinema. I recommend this musical greatly because it was one of the most compelling musicals I have ever seen.
I adore this musical it is my favourite ever and i cried all the way through it. I have not read the book yet but i am getting it for christmas which i cant wait for. I really recommend it to everyone as it is absolute genius!
star, from what I know of the book and the musical you're in for a surprise, and maybe not a happy one. The book is much, MUCH different from the musical, not least in terms of basic plot points. (I.e. Glinda never actually has any romantic interest in Fiyero, etc.)
The book is also very cap-L Literary -- a lot of wordplay and a lot of digressions.
Soz is absolutely right about the book.
It's very very very very very very Literary
Tickets go on sale here FRIDAY !!!!!
Are you going to go?
even if i go alone. which, is most likely the case if Jessica doesn't go lol.
Geez. Hope you find someone to go with.
me too, it's just not hubby's thing. but i'm sure unless something drastic happens, Jessica will be with me
My husband stopped escorting me to opening nights (I used to work in theatre) about two years after we were married. It's not his thing either.

Is Jessica one of your little girls?
No, Jessica's a co-worker. We've both read the book and can intelligently discuss both. The only other friend I'd go with isn't in this same boat.
She hasn't read the book (only reads smut lol) and only ever goes to see tyler perry style plays. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but can't get into THIS with her.