Thu 31 Jul, 2003 10:59 am
Guys, what do you think about this kind of question:
Can a computer or a machine have a mind or think???
Here is my short answer:
I think that a computer cannot be considered to have a mind or to be able to think; For according to Oxford philosophical dictionary, mind is defined by being able to feel, desire, will and reason; A computer cannot feel, desire or will to any degree. So, computers cannot have a mind in the full literary meaning; Speaking about a resoning, reasoning includes comparing the data/or expirience, making conclusions, inferences etc. Computers do not compare, make conclusion or inferences - computers are preprogrammed base of options; So, one step causes the other/ or the one option presupposes the definete preprogrammed step or result;(though it seems that we can consider that as kind of deductive reasoning or making inferences)
Speaking about thinking, computers cannot be considered to think, for they lack self-awareness; plus they lack awareness of their thinking?!
And what do you think????
From the materialist perspective (in which i don't believe in materialism) It is theorized that the human brain is nothing but chemicals and nerve processes. I think that can be manipulated in the artificial brain of a computer. On the contrary I do agree that the computer cannot attain a certain awareness of the self that one with a mind can only acquire.
[/QUOTE]From the materialist perspective ...It is theorized that the human brain is nothing but chemicals and nerve processes.
Hey, ReDHoRN!
I do agree with your notion that human brain is nothing but chemicals and nerve processes. To this point, scientists are stating that our brain receives and passes the information through 'nerve waves'; And that is why some scientists are declaring that it is possible to 'take over' our brain ability. So, we could program people, strenghen their brain, pass information and stuff like that.
But!!! you are talking about the BRAIN!!!(at least that is what you indicated in your quote), which is material thing. While MIND seems to be something quite different; In my notion MIND is an essense of the brain! So, the point is that the mind gives essense to the brain; As well, it gives the essense of our thinking and reasoning?! Aristotle explains the fact of such essense this way: we have eyes; we have a sight, but if we do not have an essense of sight we will not be able to see! Parallel comparison is with brain and mind; Otherwise how could we be able to grasp immaterial things and essenses through chemicals and nerves??? So, I do not see how materialism would approach the fact of mind as such(or perhaps it does not approach the matter of mind as such?!)
Also, it seems that mind is something over the mere material composion of nerves or chemicals. The mind seems to be something that is connected(or 'comes' with a brain) for when people loose the brain they, in most cases, loose the mind/the ability that people with mind own(afraid to say that they always loose their mind for I am not sure). So there is some connection between the mind and the brain.
But, the mind seems to be something to be given/or to come from somewhere else; Or, to come, somehow, on its own?! And that is why, our question whether computer could have a mind becomes even more interesting and complicated?!
lIke i said in the second half in which you forgot to quote, "On the contrary I do agree that the computer cannot attain a certain awareness of the self that one with a mind can only acquire." I totally agree!!!!
it can't currently, but it will;
the computer is the beginning of information manupulation devices, and as yet not all that far advanced in its design beyond the original 'counting machines'.
however scientific knowledge is converging, via research into computer technology in concert with seeking the actual workings of the human brain, and the future holds thinking machines.
actually, in my opinion, it is the next step in evolution; evolution in the Darwinian sense is now over, we r modifying ourselves and our environment faster than the tedious way it was done in the past by the trial and error mutation system. it is now in our hands 2 create the improved beings who will (if there is 2b 1) people this planet.
have a look:
i might also mention that 'mind' is merely a composite facet of the brain's functions; a term useful 4 descriptive purposes.
reading through the chinese room argument, i realized what the human brain does differently 2 computer learning. the brain actually modifies synapses 2 fire more quickly when similar results are frequently reinforced by recurrence. this allows the brain 2 'jump 2 a conclusion', precisely where the computer's dogged, logic based method of decision excells, and why the computer never makes a mistake, whereas the brain is remarkably inconsistent.
Can a computer have a mind or think???
-Not yet. But they will.
I agree with BoGo that mechanical intelligence is probably the next logical phase of evolution on this planet, and perhaps on any planet.
At this point, it seems inevitable that we will learn to replicate the evolutionary process in computational systems (genetic programming). Given that electronic evolution will occur much more rapidly than biological evolution ever could, the first mechanical intelligence on this planet will end up being as much a mystery to us as we are to ourselves.
I suspect that we will create (allow to evolve) and destroy these new thought anomalies many many times in our computer labs before one eventually escapes, or someone sets one free.
Whether these new creations become the harbingers of our own extinction, or the vessels of our continued success, probably depends a lot on pure luck, because each of the newly evolved intelligences will be completely unique. It all depends on which one gets loose, or if they all get loose, which one survives the competition within their own environment.
Best Regards,
and the source of programming 4 the new 'beings' is the most frightening aspect; will we make them 'in our image' with all our hangups, faults fears and failings, or can we manufacture the pure beings we always strived tb.
Wow... Matrix-y, huh??? I once saw a tv show where a few engineers created electromechanical "bugs." Like any insect, they had 6 legs... Although, the engineers programmed them with instructions to move only 1 of the 6 legs. They were also given instruction to cross the room. Some of the devices apparently "learned" to move their other legs after several minutes of wriggling around on the floor. They slowly began to make their way across the floor. Now, I've forgotten many of the specifics, but I still thought it really interesting.
To ask "Can a computer have a mind or think???" is an act of bigotry.
The only way to respectfully answer it is to ask the computer.
Re: Can a computer have a mind or think???
olko wrote: Can a computer or a machine have a mind or think???
They sure can. After all, I'm a machine and you're a machine, and we both think, don't we?
BoGoWo wrote:it can't currently, but it will;
the computer is the beginning of information manupulation devices, and as yet not all that far advanced in its design beyond the original 'counting machines'.
however scientific knowledge is converging, via research into computer technology in concert with seeking the actual workings of the human brain, and the future holds thinking machines.
actually, in my opinion, it is the next step in evolution; evolution in the Darwinian sense is now over, we r modifying ourselves and our environment faster than the tedious way it was done in the past by the trial and error mutation system. it is now in our hands 2 create the improved beings who will (if there is 2b 1) people this planet.
have a look:
i might also mention that 'mind' is merely a composite facet of the brain's functions; a term useful 4 descriptive purposes.
But at the same time, we are very, very, very far away from anything that even resembles the simplest living things.
Once someone can build an artificial mosquito, we should be impressed. Even that simple little thing can't be built by us...
For that matter, we can't really understand how a virus works..
AI is nowhere near any sort of actual intelligence nor cognitive function.
wenchie; a mosquito is hardly worth the effort of copying;
lots of trouble putting together that west nile virus stuff 2 insert in2 it

but a i is a natural step and much progress is being made at the nano level with tubules, and such which can b made 2 act as synapses.
i'm not sure which will occur first, independent thinking devices, or modified human brains enhanced 4 specific purposes.
sooner than u think!
BO GO GOOGIE WOOGIE, we can never get married, don't you get sick of being right all the time?
yeh but you can't leave me; cause then i'd b 'left'
(did i say something about marriage; what was i on?)
i remember talking about commitment, but.............
operator operator oh oh operator~!