Yeah, Wally brought home the DVD.
Wally's sleeping right now.
Do you think I should wake him up to confirm he meant THIS Friday?
I'm getting a little tensed up about this. I better go read the owners manuel on how the DVD player works?
Damn, it's just sitting there across the room, with some little light on wait, that's the satalite dish box. The DVD player is under it.
my stomach hurts....
You had better call the BBB and make sure that the store you rented the DVD from actually gives out real DVDs!!!
Not to mention, what if he DOES mean next friday? What would you do all day today then since you have no plans for tonight?
Im worried about you two now.
you're trying to fool me. today is thursday.
what would happen if i put the dvd in the microwave for 25 minutes?
i know how to work the microwave.
Ok, watched the movie..
she was too skinny.
Not the character per se, but Ricci looks like if she had a one day stomach virus she'd fall into the anorexic category.
The movie was fine.
I was just forced to watch this the other week but surprisingly I enjoyed it .. it was definitely different .. but in a good way
Oh, it was good.
Ricci played a really good skank. I read she lost weight on purpose for this movie, and ate all junk food to make herself look sick.
Jackson was good. But I like him in any part.
But, you know, didn't change my life or anything.