I dislike the idea of the fence, because it is yet another way for the Israeli govt. to marginalize the Palestinians. I recall a report on NPR that discussed how Palestinians, the majority of whom work in Israel, are unable to actually make it to work with any regularity due to the amount of time lost at checkpoints, etc...
Again, I lay much of the blame at the feet of Sharon. The man is a thug and a bully, who wishes for peace as much as my cat wishes for vegetables!
Another complicating factor lies in the relationship between Israeli hard liners and the american evangelicals, who don't want to see a peace accord succeed. They need strife,and , to be honest, the death of all of the Jews for their little apocalypse to take place.
Tom Delay was just over there this week doing his best to undermine any peace progress.
BTW: Has anyone else noticed that "spellcheck" misspells their posts?