I just started "The Summoning" by Bentley Little. I like his stuff with some reservations. Who else is good although not necessarily a 'big name'?
About eight years ago, someone gave me a Brian Lumley book to read ~ turned out to be a series, which I love. (I think I read twelve or thirteen books in all.)
The main character is Henry ~ a necroscope. There are vampires, time travel and lots of scary stuff (at least to me it was scary).
Far as I know, Mr. Lumley has never been put into print in the US. (He's an English author.)
I have seen Lumley books around, so they're here. Which should I start with? (BTW, what is a necroscope?)
Hiya bermbits! A necroscope is someone who can read information from a cadaver.
The only place I've seen any of Lumley's books (and I admit, it has been a while since I've looked) are at used book stores, flea markets, etc.
Really good writing ~ one of those writers (IMHO) where you can't wait for the next book.....
Oh yeah! bermbits, The Stand, this was the
best by far, of all of Kings books and movies
But then, the one about the vampires, one of
his earlier ones was very very scary too.
*I can't believe Morgan Freeman is going to
play the part of that madman. I LIKE Morgan
Freeman, I don't want him to be the bad guy.
This is going to be a hard book, to make into
a screenplay....perhaps. I wonder if anyone
knows, does Stephen King write his own
screenplays as well. If not, he certainly
makes them toe the line and remain true to
the story. I have From A Buick 8, but have
not started yet ... is it good?
Yes babs, From a Buick 8 is good, IMO.
I agree about Morgan Freeman - I'll have trouble watching him play a bad guy, not that that will stop me from seeing the movie!
The vampire book/tv movie was 'Salem's Lot. The movie was very cheesy, but the book was good.
Rae - FYI, I searched on Amazon and found most (all?) of Lumley's books. Also, ebay has 53 listings with some collections there. Maybe it's time for me to start bidding.
babsatamelia, Stephen King got very upset with early production of his writings, such as The Shining, and keeps all screenplays very close to himself - writing a lot of it personally. He even started his own production company - Castle Rock, of course!
Glad he did start CR as well, since most of his early stuff was killed during the transformation
Actually one of my favorites of King is Dragon Eyes, and anyone who really doesnt like King i get to read that, then they have a more on the warm and fuzzy side of him...if thats at all possible.
I agree with you quinn on CR, the early stuff was far from the book. The Shining was a showcase for Jack Nicholson. But then when I saw The Shining in later years, after I was further away from the book, I looked at the movie for itself and it wasn't so bad. I haven't read Dragon Eyes, yet - maybe I should!
Its more of a kid friendly mystery fairytale, IMO but, it is a nice little diddy
yes, I agree, seperate from the book, The Shining is a great film for its time especially
'Dragon Eyes' is the first hardback of King's I ever purchased. My prized possession is 'Thinner', which I purchased before anyone knew who 'Richard Bachman' was.....Several people have offered to buy it from me.....I don't think so.
You're first one? Thats fabulous!
My mother got me "FireStarter" as my first introduction to King but, I had a much loved paperback of The Talisman that eventually fell apart....sometimes you can love too much!

I would greatly and affectionately take any gift of "Swan Song", which is my all time favorite that also fell to pieces but, thats a whole nother author.
I have (another) dog-eared copy of 'Firestarter' with young Drew Barrymore on the cover....
Im thinking the Amazon wish list is kinda really nice myself
its something I guess I should have thought of...Ill keep it in mind for next year
Ohh...theres an idea...a whole year full of wishes!!!
Thanks.....really, quinn, for planting that little seed. I'm going to be disowned by March of next year.
quinn: I loved Swan Song too! I think of it often - should read it again.
I read Carrie in high school maybe a year before the movie came out. In that one and several others, it seemed like King was inside my head or knew me personally. He is great at the little touches that make his weird worlds seem possible.