Loved the raft, you left out the part about him having all that heroin and being an addict - he was a surgeon so he "operated" on himself and ate the hunks he cut off. What a gas, absolutely my favorite, well tied anyway with:
Kurt Vonnegut, short story about connecting all the computers in the universe together. The one supremo question to ask - "Is there a God!" - the computer on/off switch melts and the answer is: "Now there is!"
Love them short shorts, O'Henry is excellent along with Ray Bradbury also.
'Four Past Midnight' and 'Different Seasons' are two of my dog-eared King books.
'The Raft' ~ wow. All I can say is that the guy was lucky to have had the hoard of heroine with him.
"The Raft" is not the doctor story - I don't remember its name.
Also Fredric Browne did the computer/God story, I believe.
The short story was 'Survivor Type' from 'The Skeleton Crew.'
(Knew I'd get it eventually.....)
ahh..Dark Tower enthusiasts...lovely!

Have you read Dark House? I enjoyed that it went into the space of the Towers but, I dont know how any other DT enthusiasts thought of it.
Re: Dark Towers, I started thinking of Ka as Ka-Ka as the years flowed by. I guess I'll read them, but without much relish (or mustard).
I automatically translate Ka to The difference, aint it?
For me, the "The Force" is spiritual ideal as well. The idea of good vs. bad alone has undertones if nothing else. The cosmic field of the all encompassing 'Force' certainly gets me to thinking it at least. And personally that is probably why I automatically converted 'Ka' to 'Force' from the get go.
But, surely, we can disagree. Its okay, its a book and we each take certain items from ourselves to portray certain aspects the author merely describes so, it works anyway.