Water Softener Resin

Gary Slusser
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 09:25 am
And you should know that Fleck makes many private labeled versions of their control valves BUT, they are not available to anyone other than that company and its dealers; hence my statement.

And until you or someone else sends me a picture showing the valve body of a 5600 with Rainsoft's timer on it, I will continue thinking you got it wrong. So next time you replace one, take your camera or camera enabled cell phone and snap a pic of it and post it here. If you don't know what the mechanical metered 5000 timer looks like, I can post a picture of it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 12:52 pm
Gary Slusser wrote:
And you should know that Fleck makes many private labeled versions of their control valves BUT, they are not available to anyone other than that company and its dealers; hence my statement.

And until you or someone else sends me a picture showing the valve body of a 5600 with Rainsoft's timer on it, I will continue thinking you got it wrong. So next time you replace one, take your camera or camera enabled cell phone and snap a pic of it and post it here. If you don't know what the mechanical metered 5000 timer looks like, I can post a picture of it.

I honestly don't care what you think or believe.
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 10:26 pm
I honestly don't care that you don't care.

I received a number of various pictures of a Sliver Series Rainsoft softener control valve.

You sir don't know what you are talking about when you say it is based on a 5600. It is not a 5600 valve body.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:03 am
Gary Slusser wrote:

You sir don't know what you are talking about when you say it is based on a 5600. It is not a 5600 valve body.

What an irelavent idiot you are!
I said it was bastardized and based on the Fleck 5600.
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 08:20 am
I know what you say it is, your being wrong is the basis of the debate.

BTW, I'd rather be called an idiot than be giving people the wrong information about their control valve... or leading them astray about a totally different valve!

Two of us, softenerparts and me say the Sliver series has nothing to do with the 5600 control valve.

The pictures I have show a Silver Series and it is the mechanical metered 5000 which is not made anymore and the new version is the Proflo with electronic metering.

Might the Gold series be an electronic version called the Proflo?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:55 am
Gary Slusser wrote:

The pictures I have show a Silver Series and it is the mechanical metered 5000 which is not made anymore and the new version is the Proflo with electronic metering.

Post your pictures!

BTW, no RainSoft Silver series valve is metered. Mechanical or otherwise.
The Gold series uses the outflow turbine and is metered electronically.
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 10:34 am
Here is the side of a Fleck 5000 mechanical metered softener

Here is the face of it

Here is the Silver Series Rainsoft

Here is the side view

And another

Here's the side view of another 5000 mechanical metered

Here's the face of another 5000 mechanical metered

And the top of the Silver Series Rainsoft

Now you post pictures of what you call a "bastardized 5600" Rainsoft.
0 Replies
Gary Slusser
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 11:40 am

That's the link to the original post of a thread you started just yesterday saying you were wrong about the Silver Series being a "bastardized Fleck 5600".

This is my reply:

Now that you've admitted to ONE of your many errors..,

You need to learn how to say "I'm sorry" and mean it. Then promise to never disagree with Slusser again unless of course you can prove me wrong; debate and learn.

Especially about how long it takes to rebuild a Fleck 5600 or 2500/2510. Or how easy it is to rebuild them, and that they don't need the special Fleck tools...

BTW, the ProFlo (Fleck 5000) IS THE ONLY FLECK VALVE that does not have or need any special Fleck tools to rebuild it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 11:46 am
The perfect response to your never ending ****.

dadpad wrote:
Gary....... shut up will you.
0 Replies

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