You really believe that mathematics disagrees with evolution theory. YOU ARE NUTS . In 1966 the mathematical beauty of the genome and how the genome is preserved as "fossils" in subsequent species is a fact that has arisen after the 1980's and mostly since the genome project was completed.
HOW IS IT THAT no real biologist or real geoscientist has come out in favor of your ideas.
MAthematics of evolution is quite complex. It uses several techniques that Im sure you are familiar with. Stuff like data mining and factor analysis.
Standard binomial expansions have been in use since HArdy Weinbergs contribution.
J. B. S. Halldane, of whom you are fond of misrepresenting because of a little mistake he made and which was grabbed onto by the CReationists, DID contribute mightily to natural selection by deriving several equations that explained natural selection in terms of Mendelian genetics (this he did in 1924 and the equations still hold)
Ronald Fisher published
The Genetical Theory of NAtural Selection in 1930. In this book he establishes , chapter by chapter, the Mathematical relationship of nat selection to Mwendelian genetics. (fisher sent LAwrence Darwin copies of the chapters to get Darwins son's opinion pre publication)
Sewall WRight, in 1930 had published in GENETICS journal
the classic paper that we still use entitled
Evolution in Mendelian Populations. In this paper Wright established the "three phase shifting balance" theory which includes several very detailed mathematical LAWS. His theory was poo pooed for several decades and today its considered a fundamental rule of evolutionary dynamics. Wright stated that natural selection was but one of the mechanisms of evolution and that this was the result of adaptation to environmental changes. The second point of his three was what we call "genetic drift" and the third was migrational effects of gene dispersal..
Genetic drift was often criticized as being unimportant and circular. However, as our understandings of the genome and details of gene complements of organisms was growing, we understood that WRights theory predicts that over successive generations nearly every mutation or chromosomal rearrangement will experience only one of two fates
1It will spread through the population until the mutation is fixed or else it will disappear entirely from the species. .
There have been a number of subsequent experiments that have confirmed EVERYTHING that wright had mathematically predicted, This explains why the chromosome 2 in humans is a fused version of two chromosomes of a chimp.
Wrights Masterpiece was his four volume set called
Evolution and the GEnetics of Populations.
DObzhansky and Sturtevant immediately took off from Wright and showed the evolutionary results in fruit flies that resulted from genetic inversions and what we today call, "protein folding"
HOWEVER, all of these above were independent of the assistance of DNA and its subtext in genetics. DNA was only discovered as a mathematical construct using Bragg's law (which is a means of determining chemical structure using level 2(b) electron radiation.
After DNA was discovered and the genome shown as a product of its arrangement on the bar code. MAthematics and high speed computation has taken the task of typing genes and evaluating evolutionary relationships via such tools as "Data mining" is a complete refutation of your bullshit assertion that mathematics is somehow in disagreement with evo/devo .
You must get your head out of your anal orifice every few weeks so you can appreciate the spring sunlight.
I still hope that some day you will jump up and down and yell HA HA GOTCHA , I WAS KIDDING ALL ALONG. Because I really cant believe how thick headed and overall dense you can be to ignore all the stuff thats going on in so many fields of cladistics, genetics, paleo, isotope geochem, and biogeography. You act like you follow science but at the same time you deny the accuracy of subjects in which you hve little or no real knowledge.