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Fri 26 Jun, 2015 06:33 pm -
Happy Prude Morgan. Love you bunches! (
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Thu 22 Jan, 2015 08:29 pm -
Deal. (
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Thu 22 Jan, 2015 08:24 pm -
I thumbed you down because I enjoy reading your daily post about being thumbed down! (
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Sun 28 Sep, 2014 04:18 pm -
You can’t block them so let the thread die, Morgan started it and he doesn’t care where it goes so it’s best you and Anthony just let it drop, stop posting on it! (
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Fri 12 Sep, 2014 08:34 pm -
You know shit about this thread, now crawl back in the conservative hole you crawled out of' (
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Fri 12 Sep, 2014 08:23 pm -
Ignore that human garbage and let this thread drop! (
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Sat 6 Sep, 2014 06:26 pm -
Leave that boy alone! He's not reading your bullshit. (
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Sun 16 Dec, 2012 09:32 am -
I wouldn’t say his account was hacked. He was logged in from his iphone and left his phone at a cocktail party in town a week or so ago. (
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Fri 14 Dec, 2012 08:02 pm -
Thank you Firefly.
So many attended Mr. Swifts Memorial service tonight it was standing room only, some had to wait outside just to get in. A packed house showed the impact his big heart, warm... (
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Fri 14 Dec, 2012 11:57 am -
Unbelievable! :roll: (
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