Mon 12 Aug, 2013 11:29 am - Thanks that's just what I needed! And yes neglectful parent.. She just does whatever she wants, and he stays out of the way..
Its like "Hey dad I'm gonna go get hit by a... (view)
Sun 11 Aug, 2013 01:59 am - My BFF rarely takes showers. We are going into the 7th grade, highschool, and she can barely manage breathing. When she says she is going to take a shower, she then says she is too tired to take... (view)
Sun 11 Aug, 2013 01:45 am - Thanks!! Very risky think to do then! I will NOT be using those razors, and they will be going in the trash. Thanks again! (: (view)
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 09:47 pm - I have read about fasting every where, but I just want to know how long until fasting (a period of time which no or very little foods are consumed) is unhealthy. Please help me. (view)
Sat 10 Aug, 2013 09:43 pm - Thanks! And you're right. My hair is a light brown. I have dip dyed my hair pinls and blues, but I have always bleached it first. After I bleached it, the ends were rough and blonde is not a... (view)
Fri 9 Aug, 2013 01:25 am - I need help! I really want to dye my WHOLE HEAD a crazy pink or a blue. I am not sure what to do. What dyes do you reccomend to use? Should I mix the dyes with something? I don't want to kill... (view)