akaMechsmith wrote:PLEASE note, I did not say LIKED. I said "feared less". In no way does this imply any willingness on the part of any minors although it does not preclude it.
You did more than imply it elsewhere. You flat out stated it.
Quote:What power an Abrahamic (fantastic) society has over us when reasonable debaters are perfectly willing to attribute meanings that are in no way consistent with wordings or intent. This, in this thread, has even gone so far as to add words and meanings to my posts that no reasonable person would have even surmised. (this is a polite way of alluding to a "knee jerk reaction" to anything involving human genitalia.
This seems to be an "Abrahamic" (Jewish-Christian-Moslem) response.
I have no qualm with references to genitalia. I grew up in a more sexually open society than you can deign to imagine.
What I object to is your support for pedophilia.
Quote:Craven does not have a very clear idea of where "I am coming from". Therefore allowing his opinion to color your response MAY (as opposed to will) lead to embarassment. This seems to be Cravens problem and hopefully we can help him deal with it.
No, this is in no way a problem for me. And any embarassment you reference is a figment of your imagination.
Quote:So--- Should justice be subjective ie (meaning) should a crime be anything that I say it is? ( a paraphrase from Alice) Or should we endeavour to find out if anyone (child or adult) was "harmed".
aka. you repeatedly deny harm in situations in which it is clear. You are willing to give the pedophile the benefit of any convoluted doubt you conjure for him but question the victim's testimony alleging harm and question the competence of the courts in determining that it happened.
Frankly I think you have no interest whatsoever in finding out whether the victims whose abusers you defend were harmed. You simply use the "we can't know if they were harmed" defense to justify the pedophile's actions.
The cases cited whose abuser you defend were cases in which the evidence of "harm" was very substantial.
If you would like to actually examine the cases of the serial rapists whose cases were cited here we can. But thus far you have illustrated that you will give all your support and the benefit of the doubt to the rapist so I doubt it will help.
Quote:Or--- Should justice be objective ie Before punishing (castigating) anyone should we endeavour to acertain that "harm" was done anyone.
Another red herring. A court of law determined that said harm occured in many many cases. It was ascertained and you simply choose instead to question teh competence of the court.
Quote:Was the priest "sick". IMO, I am no shrink. Any male who is sexually stimulated by a childs (younger than puberty) buttocks is probably mentally ill. (not wrapped to tight)
aka, this is a very good example. Knowing nothing of the perp you defend him while at the same time saying that not enough is known about the victims.
I agree that he is probably "sick". But do note the willingness you exhibit to make a defense based on what you know but t the same time deriding the decision of the courts who convicted him.
How do you manage to assert a defense for him based on knowing less than the court that convicted him? All the while asserting that we do not know enough to assert harm?
You are deliberately obtuse about the "harm" and leap to the pedophile's defence with even less data than the court whose competence you question.
Quote:Should society bear some blame?
"Society" is to blame for everything. But the perpetrator is to blame for his decisions as well.
Quote: In Wilso's last post it is obvious that the boys were afraid to mention to their parents that they had been violated (seduced?) probably (IMO) because of the approbriation that would fall upon them.
So? That is part of the perp's abuse. Now your use of "seduced" is a bit odd. Do you think children can give informed consent?
For example, if a baby were to nod does that constitute consent for you?
I doubt that even you would say so, so that implies a line. Where is that line for you?
Quote:Societies uneasiness to talk about things like that MAY add to the problem (of child abuse).
The fact that people bleed to death adds to the "problem" of being shot.
Doesn't justify the shooter in any way. The shooter acts in a reality in which your hypothetical is not in effect.
The rapist acts within this society. Not in your hypothetical one.
In short were rape not harmful to the individual then of course his act would not be treated the same. But "society's illogical prohibitions" on rape do in fact exist. And the rape occured within that reality. Not in your hypothetical one.
Again, if firing a shotgun into a human's face were not to cause harm it would be less severe a breach of individual rights.
But it does. And in this case yes, if society at large were different the harm the perpetrator causes would be lessened. But that does not change the fact that the perp caused said harm.
Quote:Should the priests society bear some blame?
Should the perp? You have thus far mentioned his blame
not once.
Forget the other scapegoats you seek. Does the rapist merit your censure or not?
Quote:Despite the Catholic Churches "homophobia" (fear of aberrent sexuality) the priests consience and fears are neatly assuaged by the "rite of confession". He's home clean for eternity no matter what, as long as he doesn't die without last rites or before Friday (traditional time for the rites of confession in the US)
Yawn, same applies for murder as well. This is a red herring.
Quote:Should the priests supervisor bear some blame?
Sure, should the perp?
Quote: He was aware that the priest was engaging in activities that were sure to bring the disgust of the parishoners (parents). He was also aware that the activities were illegal. (against "mans" laws).
How do you know this? Remember you still assert that the body of evidence about the rapes does not illustrate harm.
You seem very willing to pull other things out of the air while denying a court's conviction.
So tip your cards, I allege that the harm was demonstrated based on a body of evidence in the case that we can explore.
Upon what do you base the assertion that the supervisor was aware?
I suspect you are pulling this out of thin air, like much of your defense for the man.
Quote:He was also aware thats the priests activities were "immoral" (against churchly laws).
Cite please, or this goes in teh thin air category.
Quote:Frankly what I would like to see is some secular supervision of ALL organized religions as pertains to children. It's obvious to me that some is needed.
That's nice, what I'd like to see is for you to address the perp for once and to cease to deny established harm.
Quote:In Australia ( see the "legal" forum) it is perfectly legal to take a girl, physically restrain her and make her submit to penile-vaginal insertion. I would call that rape but if she is black that is not "rape" in Australia.
I do not believe this is true without her consent. And with consent this is legal everywhere.
If this is the "vagaries of Australian laws" you might want to get your facts straight first.
Quote:What seems to have set Craven off is that I repeatedly asked if the boys were "harmed". Given the vagaries of Australian laws, Catholic dogma, and societal perceptions I think it a fair question. He doesn't. C'est la vie!!!
What would convince you about whether thay were harmed? You go to great lengths to deny the harm.
Would a picture of their bleeding anuses help? I can't supply pictures as minor records won't allow it. But what exactly would convice you?
You have a standard of evidence for establishing "harm" that is absurd, while your critria for all your other unsupported assertions is equally absurd in the opposite direction.
On one hand you deny the existence of harm that a court established.
Yet you feel free to speculate widly about everything else in the case.
Quote:Now please give us another thread if you wish to keep argueing! There is no need to PO CI any more. (piss off Cicerone Imposter)
I am not angering CI.