The irksome part often comes when we are expected to play with the rules (laws) which are designed by people who live in a universe populated by all manner of beings which cannot be shown to exist. In other words--- A Fantastic Universe.
A priest (or mullah) is not necessarily subject to the rules of society but rather he answers to a "higher law". Should he transgress he can go to confession (or to his knees if Protestant) and everything will be all right for eternity which is what really matters. Who cares if you sodomize a child, take money under false pretenses, beat your wife, or lie about things like baptism, heaven,circumcisions, and duties to God. You will be immediately forgiven and can start your sojurn in Paradise with a clean slate. And since Paradise lasts forever the forty or fifty years that you abuse Earth is but a fraction of a second considering the time you will exist in Heaven. You may as well rape the little girl, or play with the little boys penis if that is what your earthly body wants for gratification.
With a group of people that reason like that ( and that is what theology boils down to) what can we expect. Yet we let them make many rules that pertain to all of us. Most of them are acceptable and reasonable enough in a co-operative society. Some aren't.
Marrige laws are one, varying in irksomeness from state to state.
Doing "it" doggie fashion with your husband is still illegal in Massachussetts as far as I know. Be careful Craven
. The availiability of sex education and birth control information is widely restricted by some fantastic rules. I understand that it is a federal crime for a government health employee to discuss abortion with a pregnant girl. The practice of medicine is affected, (embryonic research). The practice of law (concept of fairness). Education. (How can you factually teach geology, astronomy or genetics in a world that is only 6400 years old?
The churches, and their members, live in a fantasy filled universe. It's stupid of us to allow those "fantasies" to go unquestioned in the name of political correctness and politesse. But it's more stupid when we allow them more or less free access to our children or our schools.
What do the more reasonable of us (Agnostics and Athiests)
Well, we are getting it
And our Earth, and it's burden of humanity is worse off for it.