Craven de Kere wrote: I know, it's number 4 in mw. Where you play fast and lose is in that you label disbelief belief in order to treat it on the same level as belief. nonbelief and godbelief are equated and you are terefore equating non with god.
The word "disbelief" means "to reject something as not true". In this case the "belief" or "disbelief" concerns itself with the existance of a supreme being. There is absolutely no such thing as a "nonbelief".
Quote:That sounds nice if you believe in god, but use the toothfairy and the value of that equation become more apparent.
Except that the entire basis of "religion" is based on the belief or disbelief of whether or not there is a God or gods.
Quote:I am an atheist. I reject religion. And here you are telling me that not only am I religious but you purport to know that I do not reject religion?
In the understatement of the week: that is a very unfair argument.
You contend that religion covers atheists. It's not like the English language is on your side.
At best it is based on multiple grey areas of definitions. At worst it is calling religionlessness religion.
Fishin, this is not about a poor choice of words, this is about a set of beliefs, opinions and lifestyles. As an atheist I reject religion, and no it's not just "organized" religion that I reject.
No Craven, this is EXACTLY about a poor choice of words. Thusfar the best you've come up with is some off the wall analogies that make absolutely no sense. The english language is very much on my side. I don't have to "purport" to know what you think. My point here throughout has been that the label of "Atheist" is being misused, not what any given individual, you or anyone else, believes.
Quote:Again, you purport to know too much about me. This is an excercise in futility. You seek to have the only label maker and to know what atheists such as myself think.
I don't purport to know anything about you nor do I have to. I also didn't create the labels or apply them to anyone. I use the labels as they are already defined.
Quote:When faced with that kind of situation I can only leave you to your opinion. I reject religion. Yet you tell me that atheists do not reject religion "at all" then later say that we just reject "organized" religion.
I think you are trying to quote dictionary definitions without stating it as such.
Now that's pretty funny in light of the fact that I have very clearly labeled every single one of my definitions as coming straight from the dictionary!
Quote:Yes, the word atheism means to reject theism. But no, you are wrong with your labels. You claim that "Atheist's do not reject "religion" at all".
Atheism is more than just a rejection of theism. It is a belief that the the basis of theism is false.
Quote:I am an atheist. I reject religion. Rejection of theism and the rejection of religion are not mutually exclusive.
It's like saying a happy man can't be an athlete because "happy" means "Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy".
Again, another analogy that has nothing to do with anything. The relationship of Atheism to religion is the same as being human is to being a primate. Your position thusfar has been the equeal of saying that you are human but not a primate and claiming that defies the very definitions of the words.
It's a simple binary test here. All anyone has to do is answer two question with an absolute "Yes" or "No" response (i.e. a "maybe" response would fall under "No"):
1. Do you believe in the exististance of a supreme being?
2. Do you believe that there is no supreme being?
If your answers come up "Yes, No" you are a theist.
If your answers come up "No, Yes" you are an atheist.
If your answers come up "No, No" you are an agnostic.
The earlier comments about a "lack of belief that there is a God" are used by people who answer question number 1 but skip question 2. Since there are 3 possibilites only answering one question always leaves the possibility of two remaining results. You have to answer
both questions to limit the result to one.
But one way or another all 3 answers come under the definition of the word "religion" just as humans, apes and chimps all come under the word "primates". If, as you state, you reject religion then you would be "irreligious", not an athiest.