Fri 29 Jun, 2007 02:16 pm
So I think this is going to be a cute movie to take the kids to... first of all the dog is adorable but it also has Jim Belushi and is voiced by Jason Lee.. who I love ..
Underdog Trailer
Blasphemy... Utter blasphemy.
You have your opinion but I think its going to be a very cute movie ...
From the blooper reel clip the movie looks like its going to be good...
Blooper Reel
Loved the cartoon - should be hoot (at least I hope so)
I was excited to possibly go see this until you just mentioned that Jim Belushi is in it. He sucks so bad that now I'm thinking it will be a giant steaming turd of a movie. The only question now is, how bad will it stink?
Well, I personally like Belushi.. but everyone has their own opinion. And anyways, you may be surprised.
I'm actually most excited about the cute dog ... and the fact that Amy Adams is in it ... after seeing her in June Bug, I'm not sure who is cuter her or Underdog.
For anyone else with kids Disney has this online game related to the movie for kids to play at their website for some kiddy-friendly entertainment to kill some summer (aka out of school) time
Underdog Game
Okay, Disney is dogging us again?
I suppose if it's also a good spoof of the superhero movies, adults will enjoy it and contribute to the box office. My problem with the trailer is the cat burglar falling I would suppose to his death (didn't see any blood, though) on the police car hood. That would be not suitable for very young audiences although I'm sure they've seen worse. Maybe even their parents crashing into bed?
Disney is pretty good with creating movies for ALL audience so I doubt they will show anything that you can't take you kids to go see.
it's coming out coming to theaters this weekend so I think I am going to go check it out ...