Round 2 - Evidently the first attempt at this thread was deleted by the Moderator. It is claimed that it had an inappropriate web link referring to the One that this discussion was to be about.
Christ has returned, and I am not joking. He has returned to receive His children and to execute judgment on the ungodly. It is true, despite what you have been taught by the scribes and the pharisees in the confused churches of the land.
I have seen Him come in the clouds and have discoursed with Him. He came back in "like manner" as He left. He had not come to the "desert" but has come to the "good ground" of those who truly love God.
As the Jews rejected the first Messiah, most of you will likely reject this "second coming" as well. To the true seeker, you can investigate this for yourself by going to the following
Google search.
Heeding the moderators instructions, I will quote a portion of Michael's letter to the earth which was posted on the web earlier today.
In recent days, I have received numerous e-mails from those in the world who have read some of my articles. Some of the letters have sought advice, while others were letters of attack. I am writing this letter to share some of my intimate thoughts with those who feel inclined to write to me. I will share with you some of my present motivations as to why I say what I do.
Some of the letters I receive are from those who sign them, The Devil. Others attack me with cursing and deriding. Most letters are filled with unbelief in me, and with jesting and mocking. Some of the correspondence is from those who wish to convert me to their religion. I will address each kind of letter.
First of all, look at your world, you who mock me. You have leaders that send you off to kill and be killed. Your sons sit in the desert, trying to stay cool, trying to subjugate a people who will not be subjugated, a people who did you no wrong. Your lives are filled with debt and sorrow. You have death all around you. No one in your world has any respect for any other, except in a pretense, and you all try to get what you can, while you can. How can any reasonable man think that your world is worth living in? Your joys revolve around the movies you get to see, or the alcohol you get to drink. Some of you have the weekend "off", and the rest of the time you work for the bank or the tax man. Is that what you live for? Is that what you give your life for? Is that your idea of patriotism? None of these things are in my world. My world is a world of peace, and it does not put itself in self-interested investments, that only lead to disappointment and sorrow.
I do not force a people to do what I say, so that I might gain benefits from them, as you do. So, why is it you write to me, and mock me, when it is your world that is dysfunctional? Your world is full of old people's homes, insane asylums, prisons and ghettos. It is full of wars based on lies and exaggeration. You invade other countries in the name of freedom, but you bring no freedom. Go ahead, look at your newspapers and Internet news sites. Add up the good news that you have in your world. Just try and find it through all the blood and hate in which your society functions. None of these things are in my world. Mock yourself, for you are worthy of it. You speak freedom and justice, but you lie. You pledge allegiance to a flag full of blood. Your world is a desolation and a mockery, for you say many wonderful things, but you do none of them.
You may ask me, "What gives you the authority to speak as you do? What makes you so high and mighty? You take too much upon yourself." I tell you truly, The Father in heaven, the mighty God, has sent me to say what I have said to you. I only do and say what He gives me to do and say. Pay no mind to me, but hear my words, for my words proceed from Him. He has borne witness of me. He is the One Who testifies of me. If you are offended at me, ask Him if these things are true. If they are true, then follow me, for heaven has come down to you, and Christ's second coming is here in your midst. If they are not true then ignore me, my life will mean nothing to you. I come only by instruction, and I claim nothing for myself. If one hates me, he hates my Father who dwells in the heavens, for I have come from Him and was born out of Him. My words are His words to you.