Sat 26 Jul, 2003 07:21 pm
What goes 9-9-9 thunk ... 999-thunk... -9-9-9 thunk...???
a centipede with a wooden leg) AW--WW--www--wwww
Good grief, Verbal Lee.
What goes black and white and black and white and black and white?
heh heh, I can't say, unless it is a checkered flag at the races?
that's black and white together though.
a nun rolling down a hill...God, how ludicrous can you get..but I love it...
What goes "clippety-clippety-clop, clippety-clippety-clop, BANG BANG, clippety-clop"?
An Amish drive-by shooting.
What goes "Fee fi fo...fee fi fo...fee"?
Mike Tyson reciting his telephone number.
Hillarious, equus, I'm saving these for my little cousin.
He's a quirky kid.
What has 50 legs but can't walk?
--Half a centipede.
you killed a cetipede just for a riddle.. shame
Why don't the Amish go water skiing?
-- Because the horses would drown.