Fri 25 Jul, 2003 08:32 am
'A Life'
My modesty's well earned
in a lifetime, free of acclaim,
When I croak, no admiring bog,
Nobody knows my name.
Croak is funny for death, like a magic lilly. It all was pretty good, but the last line made no sense to me. Are you having brain surgery?
Viewing profile :: NNY
Member Description:
I Write
I Draw
I like Philosophy.
I'm a mildly psychotic, neurotic, manic depressive, existential nihilist. If you talk to me, I will most likey alienate you. Fair warning.
Thanks for the were true to your word.
"Am I human? Do I not bleed?"
The last line seemed stranded to me also,
until I realized it may refer to "I" rather than to "hairline".
Sooner or later we bleed everything, no?
Poignant poem jjorge, thank you for sharing it.
You do indeed seem free, in the finest sense of the word.
NNY -- A magic lilly is a wonderful picture. Thank you for "fair warning" that you like philosophy. I'll have to be ... very ... careful. :-)
Hi, jjorge. I'm nobody. Are you nobody too?
I think with the second stanza, take out the "...and bleed" and it works very nicely indeed
LOL, jj. there is a trio of us. I got the reference, by the way.,
cavfancier wrote:I think with the second stanza, take out the "...and bleed" and it works very nicely indeed
Thanks for the input. I guess I need to ruminate over all this for awhile.
(hmmm...I must be more of a ruminant than an amphibian)