Thu 24 Jul, 2003 02:51 pm
Ode To A Shirt
Oh shirt, oh shirt
oh dickey dirt
I feel your time has come
I've had you now since God knows when
but just like me you're past your best.
Your cuffs & collar are now frayed
Your elbow has a hole.
Just like me your color's faded
To a lighter shade of gray
I hear the dumpster from without
Calling you to landfill rest
But I'll wear you one more day
Just for old times sake.
Though wait.
Hang fast.
There is another way
Join the ranks of household dusters
Cleaning windows, tables & chairs
A squirt of scented polish
Lavender or Pot Pourie
Your final days in pastures new
With many new found friends
Lovey's been cleaning out closets? Only you could find poetry in such a subject, oak! (I was smiling as I read it.)