Joe Nation wrote:maporsche:
American Protestants only tolerate Catholics, you'll recall that for decades no Roman ever stood a chance at winning office outside of Boston. In recent years, the Catholic stance on abortion has put them inside the fringes of the Whole Gospel group, but there is still wide suspicion amongst the true immersion-baptised flocks that the Friday Fisheaters aren't really Christian. (All that 'Hoc est enim corpus meum' stuff.)
It is estimated that the Roman Catholic Church has now paid out more than a billion (with a B) dollars in compensation to the clergy's sexual victims. Any other sect would have been destroyed but a billion hardly scratches the loot received over the years, one dollar at a time, from billions of the clergy's victims of faith.
Joe(to say nothing of the money made from selling indulgences)Nation
Joe, what you post may be quite true, but I find it awfully convienient and apologetic if Christian's do indeed believe it.
No one has any problems including Catholics when talking about the number of Christians in the world. Every single current day slice of Christianity owes their existence to Catholicism, who by the will of the sword expanded and fought for Christianity for the last 2000 years.
Catholics are the first Christians, they wrote/translated the bible. If their religion/existence is suspect to Christians today then the bible has to be equally open to questioning and infallability.