Jessiesmum wrote:Hi. Found out to day that Jess has T cell lymphoma of the GI tract only. Fantastic, about as bad as it can get! started chemo tonight (we re in the uk) see how she does on that. My fingers are crossed but i don t feel like lady luck is on my side at the moment! P dog, i so share those proper poo sentiments!! If i see a random dog poo that the owner has not cleaned up i think "show off"

All i hope for Jess is she recovers enough to get fat and happy once more, she loves (loved) her food. Hope your all feeling in better spirits that me today! How ever bad i feel (and will be feeling) I still would never give up my nine years we have spent together. She s worth the pain.
Otis has a T-cell tumor, too (at least, the odds are over 90% that this is the case). I'm very sorry to hear that's what he's got.
He got oncovin (vincristine) yesterday, which wasn't too hard on him the first time around. (The time I've been thinking was a doxorubicin round was vincristine -- lack of sleep has been clouding my head lately.) He's going into it in much worse shape this time, though.
Otis seems better since starting on the antibiotics for his gut yesterday, and was perking up a bit before that. Big meals for the guy, which we haven't seen much of in the past month. The bad hours for the current drug are coming up, though, so we'll see how far he dips. If he's not better on Monday than he is today, I think that may be it for this type of chemo.
For now, though, he's eating stew meat and healthy (and expensive) treats, and some of the nutrient dense sludge that we force fed him when we wasn't eating and which he seems to like.
He gets a 500 ml of fluids under his skin twice a day (wondering what somebody would make of the jar of used needles in the kitchen), and really seems to perk up after each dose. When he sees the bag and the fluid line come out he gets up right away and does to whichever sofa he wants to get his fluids on. He seems to pick the one that has the best breeze at the moment, and afterward he lays there and faces the fan or the window and pants for a while.
That this routine has become a pleasant little daily ritual for both of us reminds me how little time I've got left with the little guy. I want to make sure it's as good for him as it can be.