I just experienced an interesting piece of censorship by The Australian, when I posted a reply to the beloy article.
What was cut out went something like this :
Stating that Saddam was the worst despot of the last century is misleading. Mao Tse-tsung, depending on which history you read, killed anywhere between 6-80million Chinese, Lenin & Stalin killed somewhere between 25-30million Soviets, Hitler killed 6 million Jews, Pol Pot 1.5 million Cambodians, and in our own back yard, Suharto of Idonesia killed 500,000+ Indonesians plus 200,000 East Timorese, and an ongoing number of West Papuans.
That's as close as I can remember to how I wrote the part that got deleted from my response to the article. I'm wondering which part they thought offensive, and guessing it is the probably the part about Indonesia. Any thoughts?