In my life there have been only 2 dogs that were my own. Maybe bc it is Christmas time or winter (when I would have my dogs with me all the time outside) but I have been missing 'em. My current lifestyle does not allow for a large dog. I like large dogs.
Hobo was a mutt-of-the-mutts. He never could stay in one place, he loved to ramble and went crazy if he was brought inside the house. Even in cold weather he hated the house. He was a real traveller and adventurer. I took him everywhere. He was a great dog. He followed me on walks, snowmobile rides, and all my other outdoor goofiness. He was brave and scrappy.
Jeffy was my baby boy. He was great beast of a beardie. I convinced my dad to allow me to get a puppy, and when we got to the shelter I met Jeffy. He was 4 yrs old, huge, and I fell in love.
Jeffy lived outside and slept in his very own garden shack. Even so, in winter he would usually be snuggled on the top of a snowbank. Watching and reigning over all the activity.
Jeff was a herder and strong like an ox. He was also very smart. Once in a while he would escape and go to the schoolyard which was behind our yard.
Okay, some of the kids were really scared but it was seriously funny seeing him herd them like sheep. He never hurt anyone, he had a very sweet nature. Him and I used to walk around town scaring away all the mean old ladies and bratty kids.
This isn't Jeffy, but this is what he looked like. Scraggly and Lord of the Place.