When Jack Sawyer "flips" into the territories it is the same world as Roland also (sorry if I'm spoiling this) The child in Black House is kidnapped to try to break the beams holding the tower. Just a couple of references. Worth reading if a Dark Tower fan.
What's that in your coffee cup?
Not sure, the bottle only had an X on it. It did mix well with the coffee although you may want to keep cigarettes away.
Sounds potent.
I'm trying really hard to restrain myself from looking at the back pages of Dark Tower 7.
Are you referring to Song of Susannah? Or do you have the last one already?
I have it. Lucky me. Should I read it really slowly to make it last? It's the end of an era; it could be a sign of the apocalypse.
To adopt the pace King created you would have to take the next 12 years to read it and I don't think that kind of self control exists. Was the release date of 9/21 wrong or do you have the inside track?
Oh yes, I have read Black House, and understand completely.
dante-you're hired..now, just to find the right people to pay for it
sublime1 wrote:To adopt the pace King created you would have to take the next 12 years to read it and I don't think that kind of self control exists.
I might have to do that if I want my husband to catch up to me. He's on Book 2.
sublime1 wrote:Was the release date of 9/21 wrong or do you have the inside track?
That's the correct date. I borrowed an ARC.
That's the correct date. I borrowed an ARC.
If I waited this long another week won't kill me.
No details, but what are your first impressions?
So far, it's not much different than the previous. There's an excerpt somewhere....probably at stephenking.com.
From the Guardian, Books, by genre:
A little item about Stephen King
A few posts disappeared from this thread during the A2K server move. Mostly pertaining to the quality and size of DT 7. I'll try to recompose my reply from last night:
The tome: It's an anvil.
I was unimpressed with the gratuitous "horror" in the early section involving Susannah, Mia, and the little you-know-what.
Every time I see the cover, I like it less. The inside illustrations are much better.
Just finished it. A very mediocre ending to what started off as a great series of books. The length would not have bothered me if more was said in it. The book could have been cut in half and still had the same impact.
Mordred is a pitifully uninspired, tacky little character.
Disappointing book so far, but I've only read 200 pages. Maybe it will improve.
King needs a new editor. From page 389:
"...Susannah leaped to her feet and began to scream again."
What feet?
I just finished it five minutes ago, and I loved it. The ending was great, in my opinion. Reading those last hundred pages or so, I felt like I did when I first read Salem's Lot when I was in high school.
There were a lot of very moving scenes. I thought that the characters of Roland, Jake, Susannah, Eddie, and even Oy, were excellently drawn, and I'm sad to see them go.
So that's my two cents, anyway.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Moving scenes, yes. I'm still reading it. I'm going to hate to see it end...
This week's NYT Book Review has a very negative and dismissive review of the Dark Tower series.
You know, as I was going through it, at times I was like, "come on, that is just silly", but overall, I thought that the good far surpassed the bad.
I had thought that King was going to leave the series as a cliffhanger. The final ending was unexpected and appropriate. Can't believe that it's over.