Ozzy would need a voice coach first. He'd never get through that long palaver with Roland as is.
Who is charismatic enough to portray Roland?
Kicky, I have the book but I've been too busy to read anything lately. I plan to start it today.
Okay, as for who would play Roland, that is a tough one...how about Jerry Seinfeld? Okay now I'm just being silly. I'll have to think about that one.
I'm not going to give anything away since you guys haven't gotten into it yet, but there are some really great things about it, and some things that I thought were just plain silly. Overall, I liked it a lot though. I'm reeeeeally looking forward to the last book.
Not Seinfeld. The Kramer guy looks more like a Roland type. I know!!! Elias Koteas! If he's tall enough, he'd be perfect as Roland.
I paged through it, and I see something definitely silly coming up, but I was expecting that.
Okay-for a totally different take on Roland I say Christopher Walken.
Okay, I think I've got something here. You might think this is crazy, but I think Oprah could be a good Suzannah, and Johnny Depp could possibly be a good Eddie.
I still can't think of anyone for Roland yet.
Sam Elliot would be perfect as Roland if he were ten or twenty years younger. Or Clint Eastwood. But who the hell is out there now that could do that kind of mysterious gunslinger badass stuff?
Dare I say it...Keanu Reeves?
Okay, Angela Bassett as Suzanna. She would be great.
Since Ozzy can't speak clearly, what about Steven Tyler as the Man in Black? Clint Eastwood would have been perrrfect as Roland....
From the National Best Seller List
Based on sales through Sunday, June 13, 2004
1. The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
[Weeks on chart: 1 Last week: 0 Entered on: 6/17/2004 Peak Position: 1]
Tyler would do well as the man in black I think and Angela--yeah, perfect for Suzanna.
Sam Eliott would have been perfect like 20 years ago, I agree.
Keanu--too young.
Tough call.
Liam Neison perhaps?
If they just wanted to go blockbuster itd be Haley Barry-Suzanna--probably Walken for the dark man and Kevin Costner as the gunslinger with Keanu as Eddie. Itd be very bizarre to say the least.
Roland: Sam Shepard or Val Kilmer
Is anyone else here reading "Song of Susannah"? I'm about half through, and it's beginning to strain the limits of credibility, even for King.
I thought it was good entertaining stuff. Credibility is a non-issue with Stephen King, in my opinion.
I'm almost finished reading it. I'll be back.
At this point anything I say would constitute a spoiler. Not sure I like where he's going with it, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgement until I read the final installment.
DT VII to come out on Sep. 21. Anyone care to venture a guess as to who we are going to find in the top of the tower? Do you think we will run into some previous charaters along the way, ie. Jack Sawyer?
Sublime, you know, Im almost through Suzanna now and my thoughts were just starting to topple that way as well--could be anyone. I pre-ordered VII so, should get it soon enough. Interesting so far at least.
Have you read Black House? There are many parallels between that book and the DT series.
sublime1 wrote:Have you read Black House? There are many parallels between that book and the DT series.
Please elaborate...
Anyways, my 2 cents...
Hugh Jackman as Roland
Giovanni Ribisi as Eddie
Susannah I'm stuck on a little bit, but I tossed aorund Lisa Turtle from Head of the Class for a while for some reason
I got every character up until Wizard and Glass pegged, I wish somebody would green light my directing of the entire series