Gerald's Game gave me the willies for the longest time. Years later, I still have an occassional dream about the dog that decided Gerald looked good to munch on......
I promise to pay close attention to Black House. I should be done with the other book by Sunday.
dreams about dogs don't seem so bad
I have a fear of fetishes .. well gone bad I guess really
Its just wrong..well, maybe
Hehe, I'll be logging out soon, cuz I just got "The Wolves of the Calla- DT V" delivered! At last....
Sitting on my bedside table waiting for me to finish up a book Ive been struggling through..its helped actually
I've actually stopped struggling, quinn, I just put the "problem"book away, and start a new book! Hate wasting my time on books that doesn't appeal to me... not the author's fault though!!!
I was doing that and this was the third problem book for me so, I figured it must be me. I eventually got to apoint actually where it wasnt as much of a problem so...yeah, maybe a bit of both.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder...That goes for books, too, if you ask me!
Coming June 8, 2004---
Song of Susannah (The Dark Tower, Book 6)
A review from Publishers Weekly:
There's something about a crippled, black, schizophrenic, civil rights activist-turned-gunslinger whose body has been hijacked by a white, pregnant demon from a parallel world that keeps a seven-volume story bracingly strong as it veers toward its Armageddon-like conclusion. When Susannah Dean is transported via a magic door on the outskirts of Calla Bryn Sturgis (the scene of much of The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla) to New York City in the summer of 1999, the "demon-mother" who possesses her, Mia, has only one thing on her mind. She must give birth to her "chap" at a predetermined location in Manhattan's East 60s, as instructed by the henchmen-or "Low Men"-of the evil Crimson King. Pressed for time, Father Callahan, preteen Jake and talking pet "billy-bumbler" Oy follow Susannah and Mia's trail in an effort to prevent an act that would quicken the destruction of the Dark Tower and, in turn, of all worlds. Meanwhile, gunslingers Roland and Eddie travel to 1977 Maine in search of bookstore owner Calvin Tower, who is being hunted down by mobster Enrico Balazar and his gang, who first appeared in Eddie's version of New York in The Drawing of the Three. Avid readers of the series will either be completely enthralled or extremely irritated when, in a gutsy move, the author weaves his own character into this unpredictable saga, but either way there's no denying the ingenuity with which King paints a candid picture of himself. The sixth installment of this magnum opus stops short with the biggest cliffhanger of King's career, but readers at the edge of their seats need only wait a few short months (Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower) to find out how-and if-King's fictional universe will come to an end.
The library in our Camp just got the fifth volume in. I'm halfway through it now. Great reading!
Thanks, cinnesthesia! I'm off to Amazon to pre-order right now!!! I just love the DT-series!
I might pre-order. Or I might camp outside the local B&N so I can get a copy immediately.
I read Wolves of Calla last month. What a great book. It must reference at least a dozen other King books, which was fun.
Thanks for the post, Cinnesthesia. Sales Rank: 11
Is that possibly correct?
The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower, Book 7) September 21, 2004
I think that when they get to the Dark Tower, Stephen King is going to be the guy sitting there running the thing.
Something like the Wizard of Oz/Blaine the Mono scenario.
The Dark Tower!!
Okay, Just perusing the forums here, so bear with me.
Favourite stephen king books (stories):
The Dark Tower Series
The Talisman
Hearts in Atlantis
The Mist
The Langoliers
Bag of Bones
Some juicy tidbits I've come across on the internet:
Gendy Tartakovsky (powerpuff girls, samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo) has pitched the idea of making an animated dark tower series for HBO. *blink* That would be awesome.
And desperation is going to be a mini series on ABC, I think. More information an the latter can be found at
Re: The Dark Tower!!
Tak wrote:
Gendy Tartakovsky (powerpuff girls, samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo) has pitched the idea of making an animated dark tower series for HBO. *blink* That would be awesome.
REALLY? Animated?! That's insane! That means I'd have to get HBO.
Last night my husband and I were talking about a Dark Tower movie trilogy. Is it too big to fit into 3 films? [He hasn't read any of the DT series but he knows how all-encompassing the story is...]
If Tartakovsky did the animated series, would Roland look like Samurai Jack?
Who would you cast as Roland, Jake, Eddie, Susannah, etc. in a film version?
I just finished the "Song of Susannah". Anyone else get through it yet?
By the way, I don't know who would play the main characters, but for the part of Marten, AKA Walter, AKA the Man in Black, I nominate Ozzy Osbourne. That would be pretty interesting. :wink:
Humm..what can I do to convince myself to get Songs of Suzanna right now and forget anything and everything else?
kicky--you know interesting is a good word. If it was more of a comedy it could work really really well.