stuh505 wrote:
In the link provided earlier in this thread, it says the following:
Quote:The gunman was dressed "almost like a Boy Scout" and wore a black ammunition vest, said a student who survived by pretending to lie dead on a classroom floor.
Those black ammunition vests are tactical vests (I even own one myself).
The MSNBC story I read said he wore a beige and a black vest. The comment about it being an ammo vest was speculation.
"She said the gunman "had on a Boy Scout-type outfit. He wore a tan button-up vest, and this black vest, maybe it was for ammo or something."
I own both a tan and a black vest and neither are ammo or tactical vests. They are vests designed for photograhpers.
Quote:Quote:"There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet wounds in them," said Dr. Joseph Cacioppo of Montgomery Regional Hospital.
31(33?) killed 15 wounded, plus himself, im saying thats approx 50, times 3 bullets each is at least 150 bullets. both guns have magazine capacities of approx 15 rds so it figures that he would need about 10 magazines and this necessitates a tactical vest..because you cant just fit these into your pocket.
But again, this is speculation on your part. The 9mm has been identified in various press reports as Glock which means the magazine capacity could be anywhere between 9 and 23 rounds. The .22 hasn't been identified but could be anywhere in a similar range.
And several reports have said witness's stated that he had reloaded. He he just change magazines or did he reload them?
The reports also mention people with 3 or more wounds but many of them are extremities so it is very possible that single shots may have gone through one person's arm or leg and wounded a 2nd person.
I guess my point is that there is to much guessing going on being passed off as fact here. People need to settle down and let the investigation proceed before making lots of claims.