sozobe wrote:Btw, re: being able to affford it, evidently several of those last purchases were on a credit card. The implication (from a NYT article) was that he knew he'd never have to pay it...
At the risk of stereotyping; I'd wager Korean born college students who
don't have impeccable credit are few and far between. Not repaying debts there is neither accepted socially nor legally.
I remember a Korean friend of mine telling the story of getting busted for possession of Marijuana by a drug sniffing dog that stopped outside his cabin on a cruise ship. The authorities informed him that he'd have to come with them and wait for someone to raise the money for the hefty fine before he'd be allowed to leave Barbados(?). He was terrified because his mother happened to be on the same ship, one floor above, and this isn't something he wanted to tell her about. "So how much is the fine?" (I forget the actual amount; but for the purpose of relaying the story $2,500 will work). He breathed a sigh of relief and promptly pulled the dough out of his wallet. The authorities were both surprised and suspicious and demanded to know why he traveled with so much money. Not having a better answer, he replied with a shrug and said simply "I'm Asian". The authorities looked at each other, shrugged themselves and proceeded to fill out the requisite paperwork on the spot.