Re: Virginia Tech Debacle/ Work of a Deranged Man...........
Phoenix32890 wrote: The press has revealed that the shooter was an Asian, but has said nothing more about him. Why haven't all sorts of information about him been disseminated? Didn't he have any friends? Classmates? Are facts being hidden from the public?
The press didn't know who the shooter was until about 3 hours ago. Did you expect that they had built up a dossier on every student at the school overnight just waiting to know which one to publish? I'm fairly confident we'll get more than we want in the next 48 hours.
Phoenix32890 wrote: What HAS been said was that the shooter seemed very calm. That flies in the face of a picture of a deranged shooter. His actions, killing many people, were obviously random and deliberate, calcualated to cause as much damage as possible. What kind of person would do that?
IMO, this is more of a misunderstanding of the deranged than it is a contradiction. Once a mentally unstable person decides on a course of action they are often very calm and composed in carrying it out. The "agitated state" is when they are uncertain or something does go as they planned. The calmness only flies in the face of the deranged shooter as popularized in the movies. I think if you look back at past incidents you'd find that most of the witness's describe the shooters as calm and collected.