Foofie wrote:And there are threads on A2K that are so involved in Jews, to the exclusion of all the other people in the world? What makes Jews so interesting, or is it that obsessing about Jews just seems to be a perennial favorite pastime of many a Gentile?
Many times it's not done in a philo-Semitic way, but either in the classic anti-Semitic way, or the subtler Judeo-phobic way (what are they up to?).
Frankly many of these threads are started and maintained by you and other advocates of Israel or related issues. Moreover contemporary American politics and national security are directly affected to issues arising from Zionisn far out of proportion to the number of Jews, either here or in the world. I think you are, in this instance, merely projecting your own obsessions on others.
Foofie wrote:Like I alluded to in another post, if one is American, British, or Danish, I enjoy listening to their comments about Jews, since all three countries have a sterling (modern) history of allowing Jews to live with freedom and opportunity. But if someone wants me to listen to someone from Germany, or France (I hear the crowd, "hang Dreyfus"), or Spain, or Russia, or Poland, or any number of Balkan states, or Middle Eastern States, I can only respond, "Do you think I'm stupid or naive?"
Now, let's all say the Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless America!
I think all that residual hatred is both wrongheaded and very tiresome. Why don't you include the Italians (whose forebearers destroyed Israel), or the Egyptians, or the Iraqis (Babylonians)? With respect to historical grievances, what ever became of the original inhabitants of Jerico? The unfortunate Philistines and Cananites (one could argue they are still there, and still suffering for it.)?