dagmaraka wrote:JPB, I'm not hiding I'm a forreigner. English language is not the specialization I am wanted for at my current job.
I'm sure Kerry will get the main message if he cares.
You don't go to an awards ceremony dressed like a hobo just because you won the award for using your brain instead of looking pretty. People judge you. And when you write a letter to an big name ex-presidential elect, if there are grammatical errors in it, it is disrespectful to him.
Would you rather be a martyr and make a point, or stay in the US?
Quote:stuh, that would mean they win. I'm not willing to marry for papers. There IS a shame in it for me. I know it's not wrong and many people do it, but it's not for me.
It's not a battle you can win. Any way you look at it, they win. They have control over you. The fact is, it's not fair when one human says to another: "this is my continent. You need my permission to live here."
No matter how you get that permission, if it is by buying it, marrying into it, sleeping your way into it, applying for it and getting lucky, it doesn't make a difference...you are accepting the fact that you lost, they are in control. You can't change the system, you can't make it fair, all you can do is use the system to your advantage. If you are too stubborn to consider one option for moral reasons, you're just being stubborn and foolish.