This brings up, though, are there others in your situation we could still be writing some higher up about? I'm one of the people that thinks multilple copies of protoletters do no damned good and drive people in representatives' offices nuts. Has to be a well written letter that is somehow noticed out of the sphere of hit'emwithemails... thus my take that a blog post or new media article is a better route.
Oh, Dag!!!
That is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess this means I can uncross my fingers, toes, legs, eyes and heart now. Whew! What a relief!
You must be nearly delirious!
(Sorry to hear about the broken engagement...<rubs eyes>...and I didn't even know you were engaged. How did I miss that?)
Absolutely wonderful news!
I have to admit I would prefer it resulted from sensible policy, rather than luck-of-the-draw, but, 'oh, well'. I haven't followed every page, but if you haven't polished and submitted you op-ed, I think you should, anyway.
Yeah, I think you should work it in. Everyone loves a happy ending, but you can make it bittersweet and emotionally emphasize the issue by saying something about all of those people who happened to not be so lucky...
Dag, this is wonderful!!!Dys told me this morning and we both are breathing sighs of relief.
Continuing with the op-ed piece is, perhaps, even more important. As you said, there are all those others who didn't win the lottery. You are a good writer, regardless of what you say, and your story has a fine chance of being published (esp. with the editors you had).
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ DAG }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Well, we received good news too. :-)
Our jobs are safe, for what sounds like years, in Budapest, and together as a team.
Better than even the best-case scenario that we had still dared to hope for.
Oh WOW!!!
A2K mojo is mighty, I tell you, mighty.
That's a really good news for you as well, nimh!
(And for a lot others, too :wink: )
nimh, Wonderful! I'm happy and relieved for you.
Thank you, thank you
There's five of us, and we're all very relieved and happy and glad
That's great news, nihmster.
I like happy endings--particularly deserved happy endings.
Great to hear that, nimh!
See what happens when the A2kers get the vibezzz vibing? I think we have voodoo. Who-do? you-do! me-too! Yoohoo.
Smashing for both of you.
Big up the A2K posse vibe!