Re: cults
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:There are all sorts of cults in addition to religions.
Is capitalism a cult?
Is communism a cult?
Is fascism a cult?
Are organized crime families cults?
Are organized gangs cults?
Are racist organizations cults?
BBB, I am so glad you brought that up. Since this is in the S&R forum, and specifically about Christianity, I was trying to hold back...
Definately cults are not restricted to religion.
Last year, someone revived a thread about Alcoholics I'm Not a Mouse. Something I can speak on with some authority (but that's another story).
To encourage discussion, if memory serves, I brought up the aspect of that group which basically acts as a fear mechanism of "you'll drink if you don't come to meetings, don't get a sponsor, don't read the Big Book, don't learn every slogan and regurgitate it ad nauseum...." and so forth. BTW, there's also a lot of other cult-like features in AA.
I felt fortunate to make it out alive with only minor head wounds. To me it was amazing how otherwise intelligent people just took such a hard line that a person could not live a satisfying life without (fill in the blank) I'd even thought about starting a separate thread, but it would have either attacted no posts, or all attacks.
What I said before, there are many people who prefer to be sheep.