My friend's niece is in a Waldorf school in Germany. She got there rather
late (in 4th grade) because of her difficulties in public school. She looks
at things differently and has had problems fitting in, she's not mentally
behind, yet was put into special ed classes due to her difficulties with a
regular curriculum.
She's been at the Waldorf for 2 years now, and my friend said, she's
a completely changed person, eager to learn, thrives in music and other
subjects, and is on her way to become a well rounded educated person.
In public school she would have fallen in between the cracks.
Now, I don't know how Waldorf schools operate in the United States and
how true they are to Steiner's method.
In an ideal world, all children thrive in a public school, unfortunately
not all children are alike, and some need a different environment to excel. My child would not have gotten as far as she did in public school,
she needed more attention and more discipline which was provided
in a very small school I chose for her.