Oh, blah...I'd thought this dratted thread would have disappeared into the depths of a2k by now! When I signed in and saw it had been posted in recently I had to steel myself to peek in here and see if how badly I came off, heeheehee...
I really just needed to take a good long break, because this shouldn't have stressed me out so much, but for a while there every little thing was getting under my skin.
Contrex, no hard feelings on my end; none on yours, I hope. I just would have appreciated it if you'd shot me a pm to tell me it was against forum rules rather than giving me a scolding for anyone to read. I was obviously being a bit oversensitive, but I expect you can imagine it's been a rough patch lately. (and it really
hadn't occurred to me that asking for a way to get the trial again would amount to the same as getting the program for free- it's obvious to me now that it would come off as looking for a free ride, but I really was just wanting to have a trial period, not get the program free.)
Anyhow, Shewolf, Stuh, and Osso, thank you guys for making me feel like I didn't make too big an ass of myself.