maliagar's quote: " I want to stick to a point-by-point reading of the Genesis story,...." NO you don't; you want to shift the interpretation to those folks who wrote Genesis - to the people they wrote it for. Your claim is that they are the only one's that truly understand Genesis. You are NOT forthcoming about discussing any "point-by-point" reading of the Genesis, fairytale, story. As sucinctly pointed out in my earlier post on the interpretation on god's creation of the world, a day and night cycle means 24 hours - not millions of years. The article also supports its argument that all the other mention of days in the OT means 24 hour periods. If you want it to mean millions of years, no other life on earth would have survived.
Far be it for me to make a debating suggestion to someone who debates as intelligently and logically as you do...
...but you have given Maliagar the out he so desperately looks for in these threads.
He can continue to debate the door in the fence on Skull Island for as long as you allow that to be the issue. You aren't going to get anywhere with him on that - and what would it avail you if you did?
Read my last post -- and surely you can find something in there to switch to from the King Kong analogy -- something that will either get Maliagar debating something that really matters -- or will get him running for cover.
Make a guess about which it will be before you take my suggestion -- if you choose to do so.
If you abandon your King Kong analogy in favor of something more substantial, by the way, you will be showing a hell of a lot more spine than Maliagar will ever be able to muster.
oh no, Genesis, it's literal meaning..........Jonah, it's literal meaning too. Beyond reason. can anyone spell analogy?
you say analogy
i say digitally
meet ya in the middle.
I'll be there at sunset.........
Lola wrote:oh no, Genesis, it's literal meaning..........Jonah, it's literal meaning too. Beyond reason. can anyone spell analogy?
Believe me: They can't.
Other words that are outside their vocabulary: "symbol", "allegory", "poetry", "metaphor", etc.
and at midnight, that will determined to be "one day" according to theologians of the bible.
midnight? c.i. are you suggesting another time would be better?
Rocky Mountain Daylight time (that works after dark as well)
Lola, I'm flexible; what time would you like it to be?
any ole time will do, where ever the middle seems to be
How 'bout midnight at the oasis ... that could be sorta biblical.
ok, let's all do the biblical thing.
don't you mean the 'missionary' thing? LOL
depends on which translation of the Bible you're using, c.i. :wink:
I dunno. Which version does the catholic church use?
There's some folks I'd prolly like to get to know better, biblically speaking, but I went and taught Mrs. Timber to shoot some years back. I don't figure its worth the risk; she's pretty accurate with anything .357 and smaller, and she's better at trap and skeet than I am.
figure there's more catholics in this country, so using their bible would be the safest.
good night all, gotta go talk to a man about a Bible see you all tomorrow