Homosexuality v. Christianity -- A FEW QUESTIONS:

Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 08:16 pm
angie wrote:
First of all, the question presupposes that god exists, ...... but we're not going to "solve" that one here.

God is, by definition, the essential part of the equation. Biblical interpretation for normative purposes is done by believers, and it follows certain institutional and theological protocols.

Biblical interpretation for normative purposes is, by definition, an intra-Christian issue, and those who don't allow for the possibility of a God would do better if they went home and watched a football game. They have no business in telling Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or any other religious group how to read their Scriptures. They don't accept the very purpose of interpretation: discovering the divine.

Now, if you want to read those scriptures as literature, that's another question. But this type of reading wouldn't be normative, and therefore the concerns expressed in your previous message wouldn't apply.

Of course we can't know "what comes from god and what comes from man". My question would be, "Who cares?"

You don't know who cares? Believers care. The very people who wrote the various books in the Bible care. The people who decided which book belong in the Bible and which don't, care. God was central to the whole process. If you don't notice this smallest of details, you'll miss a key element in the interpretation of any message or text: The authors' purpose(s) :wink:

What matters is the "what" that is in each of us, how we live our lives and how we treat others.

I agree: That's important, among many other things.

Certain principles of human character and behavour seem to appear again and again in different cultures...

Do you believe in "an eye for an eye"? Or in "forgive them seventy times seven"?

...principles we instinctively believe are "good"...

"Instinctively"? "Eye for an eye", or "forgive them seventy times seven"?

...without being told or taught by anyone or Anyone.

I'm not as optimistic as you are. Most of the values we nowadays regard as "good" have been taught to us (monogamy, rejection of incest, heterosexual marriage, value of the family, etc.). Cease teaching them, and let's see where the world ends up 100 years from now. You can already see a difference in the last 50 years (ever-rising divorce rates, ever-increasing numbers of single mothers, ever-growing rates of abortion, homosexual "marriage"?, etc.). So... "instinctively"?

...it seems inherently unfair and wrong to deny our gay brothers and sisters their basic human rights based solely upon who they are.

What about denying those "basic rights" to pedophiles, polygamists, etc.?

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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 08:26 pm
maliagar, Teaching good ethical values has nothing to do with religion. It can stand on it's own. Good ethical values includes treating everybody with respect and dignity. God has nothing to do with that! It's established by good ole common sense of man. c.i.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 08:29 pm
That religious people would add the name of god to these ethical values doesn't add or take away it's essence. Only when people are threatened with eternity in hellfire and damnation does it cheapen it. c.i.
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Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 09:16 pm

Maliagar wrote: "Most of the values we nowadays regard as "good" have been taught to us (monogamy, rejection of incest, heterosexual marriage, value of the family, etc.). " I was thinking more in terms of basic values that define how we, as human beings, interact with each other. Honesty. Compassion. Fairness. etc.

Maliagar: I am trying to have a reasonable dialogue with you and others here, but if and when you try to draw an analogy between denying rights to gay people and denying rights to pedophiles, my ability to stay calm becomes seriously threatened.

Gay people represent a natural variation of human life. Pedophiles are sick and hurtful, and IMO, ought to be confined away from society. If it was your intention to suggest that gay people are akin to pedophiles, my dialogue with you is over.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 09:23 pm
angie, I find it very interesting that I read maliagar's post the same way you did, but most didn't read it that way. Interesting indeed! c.i.
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Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 10:25 pm

Should I assume that you agree with what I said on Biblical interpretation (which was the core of your original message, and of my response)?

angie wrote:
Maliagar wrote: "Most of the values we nowadays regard as "good" have been taught to us (monogamy, rejection of incest, heterosexual marriage, value of the family, etc.). " I was thinking more in terms of basic values that define how we, as human beings, interact with each other. Honesty. Compassion. Fairness. etc.

Even if these values were not taught to us, their concrete, practical application is. In which circumstances should we be fair or honest? What about certain types of "unfairness" (affirmative action) or "dishonesty" (white or even necessary lies)? How should we decide between conflicting values? We learn the parameters that help us decide the best or most acceptable course of action (usually we ask for opinions from others we respect, or think of what a "wise" person we know would do in such and such situation).

Maliagar: I am trying to have a reasonable dialogue with you and others here, but if and when you try to draw an analogy between denying rights to gay people and denying rights to pedophiles, my ability to stay calm becomes seriously threatened.

The ability to stay calm and listen to the arguments of those who think differently is key to a civilized discussion.

Traditionally, homosexuality has been seen as a perversion comparable to pedophilia, bestiality, and such (many would like to forget this). Nowadays, most conservatives wouldn't claim that much, but the rejection of homosexuality as a "normal" option remains, and it is at the core of the current controversy about homosexual "marriage".

Anybody who is unable to discuss with an open mind arguments that have a long and respectable history in Western civilization (let alone those novelties that always pop up in a society prone to "innovation"), is not prepared to participate in today's controversies, and is likely to succumb to the temptation of imposing his views by force.

Homosexuality and other issues are and remain controversial subjects: that is, they are far from having been settled. Many in this and other forums would like to live as if the other side didn't exist, but the real world is more complicated than that.

Gay people represent a natural variation of human life.

You're begging the question.

Pedophiles are sick and hurtful, and IMO, ought to be confined away from society.

The same was said of homosexuals. You're begging the question.

If it was your intention to suggest that gay people are akin to pedophiles, my dialogue with you is over.

My intention, in that paragraph, was to see how you draw the line between acceptable (moral) and unacceptable (immoral) behavior. Unfortunately, instead of presenting an argument, you throw your indignant self-righteousness in my face. Rolling Eyes

Tolerance! How many crimes have been committed in your name!

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Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2003 10:26 pm
maliagar, nobody is suggesting we cease teaching morality, and values, it's only the context that is in question. I would think that most people, Catholic or not (okay, perhaps we shouldn't get into this) realize that abuse of a child in any way is immoral. Homosexuality, however, is not a sin, as it is based on love, and love, not scripture, should really be the basis of any religion that purports it 'cares' about it's flock. I'm a red-blooded straight man, and even I can see this Rolling Eyes
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 05:55 am
maliagar wrote:
angie wrote:
First of all, the question presupposes that god exists, ...... but we're not going to "solve" that one here.

God is, by definition, the essential part of the equation. Biblical interpretation for normative purposes is done by believers, and it follows certain institutional and theological protocols.

Biblical interpretation for normative purposes is, by definition, an intra-Christian issue, and those who don't allow for the possibility of a God would do better if they went home and watched a football game. They have no business in telling Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or any other religious group how to read their Scriptures. They don't accept the very purpose of interpretation: discovering the divine.

As I established earlier, this is complete nonsense -- particularly when it comes to what Maliagar considers the prime interpreter of the Bible -- his church, The Catholic Church.

They do not interpret the Bible -- they interpret the parts of the Bible they want to and sweep any troublesome passages under the carpet. The institutional and theological protocol Maliagar mentions, is simply hiding, evading, and disregarding troublesome passages.

Which is the same way other Christian interpreters deal with the issue.

Atheists and agnostics often call this hypocrisy to the attention of people like Maliagar -- and their response is always a form of: You should be watching football and leave the interpreting to those of us who know how to do it selectively enough so that we don't cause ourselves any worry.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 08:05 am
I think it's been established here that the Bible, specfically the Hebrew text of Leviticus, is a poor rationlization for a basic homophobia. You won't get any of these people to admit it -- they'll give the condescending statement that it is a sin but they will love the sinner. I don't believe that one for a second.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 08:18 am
Nor I, Light. And I've found that many who support gay rights are also privately squeamish and/or giggly about homosexuality in fact and practice.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 08:39 am
It's a knee-jerk response and several movies happen to address it including, "Relax, It's Just Sex." Perhaps these people should examine what their attitude is towards sex -- it's all in the mind that all sex other than their own endeavors (which I have the feeling are few and far between) is dirty. They probably have the same problem the rest of us have about imagining Mom and Dad doing it, or even worse, Grandma and Grandpa! Laughing

(Some of them consider sex so dirty I doubt that they ever indulge. When a person swearing celibacy wavers and decides to experiment on their basic human desires, it obviously causes all sorts of social anomalies.)

It's obvious to me that their religion hasn't made them into well-adjusted, cognitive and happy individuals. They may believe they are personally happy but all this chagrin and squirming about what makes other people happy is a control issue.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 08:49 am
Personally, while disinclined gay practice, I fully endorse the human rights of all folks, including both gays and religionists, to practice their own peculiarities. That said, I object vigorously to attempts by either gays or religionists, or of any other group, to impose their agendas on others. Recognition or tolerance is one thing in and of itself, endorsement is entirely another, and not at all entailed by the former.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 10:32 am
Timber, could you elaborate on the difference between tolerance and endorsement? And I assume that you also reject the imposition of a straight (especially, a homophobic and macho) agenda on society? I'm not sure what I mean by that, since I can't understand what is meant by a "gay agenda" (a religious one, yes). I have never seen where gays are trying to proselytize their preferences, only to make them acceptable. Mutual endorsement seems to be the ideal for me. But there are limits, of course, my tolerance would exclude racists, facists, rapists, child abusers, and others.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 11:45 am
LightWeight wrote:
I think it's been established here...

What???? Laughing

...that the Bible, specfically the Hebrew text of Leviticus, is a poor rationlization for a basic homophobia.

Can you refresh our memories and provide a brief summary of the evidence provided to "establish" this?

You won't get any of these people to admit it...

First I'd like to get your evidence (schematically, if you please)...

I don't believe that one for a second.

Yes, we've heard about your beliefs. But you're talking about what's been "established".

The evidence, please.

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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 11:47 am
Tartarin wrote:
many who support gay rights are also privately squeamish and/or giggly about homosexuality in fact and practice.

They just follow the crowd, worry about what others might think of them, don't want to be marginalized by the pontiffs of "cool", etc.

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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 11:49 am
Lightwizard wrote:
(Some of them consider sex so dirty...

Sex can be very dirty...

especially when you haven't showered...

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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 11:57 am
Is this the wrong time to come out? Just wondering...
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 12:03 pm
maliagar wrote:
Mistake #1: The Bible is not a book. It is a library, a collection of separate books. They were composed by many authors, using many literary styles and genre (poetry, legal codes, songs, letters, etc.), over a period of 2000 years.

It's a set of writings that were canonized at a later date by groups of men who had a particular theological axe to grind. Stories that supported their beliefs were added, those which did not were thrown away. Virtually nothing in the Bible can be objectively proven true and most of it can be objectively proven false. Style and genre make no difference when evaluating what is claimed to be true.

Mistake # 3: The Bible's purpose is not to impress you to the point of faith. Its aim is not to generate "belief". Those who read it hoping to "feel" something that would become "faith", or to be "persuaded", are approaching the Scriptures with false expectations. The fact that they do not obtain "faith" does not prove that the Bible is "false", just that their expectations were totally wrong.

Faith without basis is worthless. Only a fool believes when all the evidence points to a different conclusion.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 12:11 pm
Schematically? You want a diagram, a picture? Pretty bad if you need a picture or is that all you understand? It has been established but you're obviously not going to buy it and, in fact, are hell bent on ignoring it. If you actually do love the sinner but hate the sin, I'd be looking at myself and let your God make the judgements. Yahweh is not speaking through you.
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Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2003 12:31 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Schematically? You want a diagram, a picture?

Yes, please. Is it too much to ask?

Pretty bad if you need a picture or is that all you understand?

It's pedagogically helpful for those of us who are slow to understand.

Can you please provide a diagram of the evidence? Can you lead me step by step and show me how it was "established" that Leviticus is an expression of "homophobia"? I'm sure it won't be hard for you, oh Enlightened...

It has been established but you're obviously not going to buy it...

(Words, words, words...) I need a summary, for it's hard for me. Will you please take pity on this slow soul? It'll take you just 30 seconds to open my eyes...

...and, in fact, are hell bent on ignoring it.

:wink: Weaseling out? I promise: I won't ignore you. I will carefully consider your diagram, if you please.

Yahweh is not speaking through you.

Never claimed he did... Laughing

Thank you for showing, once again, your standing in this discussion.

LightWeight... no better name.

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