maliagar wrote: And we already agreed that, in these issues, we need to rely on the evidence provided by historians. So the strength of the evidence depends on the accredidation, probity and provenance of my witnesses, plus the number of witnesses I'm able to bring. And I've brought a few reputable witnesses already. The other side has brought none.
[I'm getting a bit tired of having to explain the evident, or to explain again what has been already settled]
timberlandko wrote:...many of whom have been impeached in this very discussion by the introduction of evidence disclosing them to be proponents of minority and contrarian viewpoints wihin the scientific and/or academic communities at large.
False. None of them have been impeached at all. No evidence against them has been brought to the forum.
Could you mention one academic of comparable credentials that directly contradicts my witnesses points of view, mentioned by Frank, or you, or anybody? (unless you considere "evidence" calling them names). I've only heard the arbitrary declaration (that hasn't been corroborated using any reputable name) that today's historians of science maintain the same view of the middle ages as the historians of the Rennaisance and the Enlightenment.
timberlandko wrote:As far as I can see, not one of your assertions has been validated, and not one of your rebuttals has had any negative impact on or implication for the challenges presented you.
Well obviously you cannot see very well. Neither can you read very well.
It is called "prejudice", and it blinds. You have a severe condition of bias. Call your doctor.
So much for the "justice" you're capable of providing...
Gotta give ya credit for persistance, at least, maliagar. Now, to the matter of the impeachment of your "witnesses",
From Merriam Webster OnLine,
Main Entry: 1im·peach
Pronunciation: im-'pEch
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English empechen, from Middle French empeechier to hinder, from Late Latin impedicare to fetter, from Latin in- + pedica fetter, from ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
Date: 14th century
1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office
2 : to cast doubt on; especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of , "impeach the testimony of a witness"
To refresh your memory, I refer you to the following, which comprise a selection from among the impeachments, presented by myself and by others, of your witnesses as presented in this discussion. The selection is representative, not exhaustive. I hope that is alright with you.
Within several of the above responses also are mentioned and/or cited a number of conventionally accredited authors from the scientific and academic communities whose writings repudiate or otherwise insubstantiate the evidence you have presented through your witnesses.
I will leave it to the other participants in this debate to decide whether it is you or I which prevails in this particular matter.
Have maliagar's witnesses been impeached? What say you, forum participants?
While not exactly pertinent, it may none the less be of interest to note that many, if not most, of those participating in this discussion are, shall we say, not customarily inclined to be in either political or philosophical agreement with me; quite the contrary in fact. I for one shall find this an interesting experiment.