maliagar wrote:Quote:Frank Apisa wrote:Maliagar
You can PROVE there is but one church!!!!!!!!! I'd love to see you attempt that!
Man, it seems to me that people are not really reading what I write... Or perhaps I'm assuming that they know at least something about Christianity when they really don't.
The point is very simple. Christ founded but one Church. That Church is still around. It is the Catholic Church.
1) I know a great deal about Catholicism - and I am very well versed in almost all aspects of the history of Christianity. Don't fret on that accout.
2) If you are going to write about "Christ founded but one Church" -- write about "Christ founded but one Church." If you are going to say that you "can prove there IS but one church" -- understand that you will be asked to do so. My comment in that regard had nothing to do with whether or not I know something about Christianity. (But that was a good line. I like to jab once in a while, and it is nice to know you understand how that works.)
Quote:If you don't believe me, go to the Encyclopedia Britannica (which is no official publication of the Catholic Church). Then read 1st, 2nd, 3d, and 4th century Christian authors to see if they were affiliated to different "Christian" churches, or just to the One and Only.
Hummm...where do you suppose the Encyclopedia Britannica got the information they offer in their sections on Jesus and "the Church he established?" Surely they didn't send reporters back in time. And are you supposing they are offering what they have as a fact that it happened - or are they reporting what the Bible says happened?
The Encyclopedia Britannica bit, Maliagar, is what is known as a red herring. Nice try. No cigar!
And as for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th century Christian authors, I would say a couple of things:
1) There were schisms right from the start -- and even Peter and Paul disagreed on significant aspects of the new religion (note: singular). The early Christian authors also disagreed on substantial issues.
Today, the issues and disagreements are more pronounced -- and the notion of what a "church" is has become more flexible.
I could, if pressed, present an argument that there actually is but ONE Christian church with Catholicism as but one part. I would argue that the one church is fractured and branched. But a tree is still a tree -- no matter if its main trunk branches and no matter how many limbs it develops. (Of course for obvious reasons, that argument was not easily available to you when I challenged your ability to "prove" there is but one church..)
Bottom line: There seems to be no way the Encyclopedia Britannica, Maliagar, or anyone else to KNOW that Jesus actually intended to start a church, let alone just one church -- EXCEPT BY SIMPLY BLINDLY BELIEVING IT. Which is to say: All indications are that you are just guessing that Jesus intended to start a church; that he intended the church always to be one; and that the branches of this particular tree somehow actually are not part of the tree.
Quote:From this One Church all the other broke away. Hence, the Catholic Church is the most ancient, most authoritative Christian body.
That I will buy (in fact I just mentioned that up above) -- but that was not what you argued originally -- so naturally I had to respond to what you originally argued - that there was but one church.
Quote:If you think that I don't know there are Protestant churches around, you must have a very funny idea of who you're talking to.
I have no idea of who you are -- although I compliment you on your ability to use this forum with the facility you show so quickly.
Quote:Quote:Read the record yourself. Open that Encyclopedia of yours to the section titled "Martin Luther" or "Henry XIII."
I suppose you meant Henry VIII (I guess this was a typo... or perhaps lazy writing?)
Not a typo at all - just lazy writing! I should have checked. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It will help keep me on my toes, and I suspect being on my toes will be important in this discussion. You are very good at this.
Quote:Quote:I maintain that damn near everything you are saying about the Catholic Church ... IS BASED ON NOTHING MORE SUBSTANTIAL THAN YOUR BELIEFS.
"Near everything"? That is a very bold assertion. Can you be a bit more specific? Why do you maintain this? What are your BELIEFS regarding Christianity and the Church?
I think that was very, very specific -- "damn near everything."
If you have anything of substance to your general theme that you think is not the result of a belief -- blind acceptance of something you do not know -- emphasize it and I will either indicate why I think it to be blind acceptance or acknowledge it to be knowledge.
Quote:Maybe I can help you clarify your beliefs...

As I said, I will not express any beliefs here -- so I will not need any help clarifying them.
PERSONAL NOTE: I am delighted you are here. Catholics take a beating in these forums -- and even I, an agnostic, have been reduced at times to defending certain Catholic positions for want of someone else to do so. I hope you stick around.